Menus popup

Menus are normally just added to a window, but they can also be displayed temporarily as the result of a mouse button click. For instance, a context menu might be displayed when the user clicks their right mouse button.

Por exemplo:

Glib::ustring ui_info =
  "  <menu id='menu-examplepopup'>"
  "    <section>"
  "      <item>"
  "        <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>Edit</attribute>"
  "        <attribute name='action'>examplepopup.edit</attribute>"
  "      </item>"
  "      <item>"
  "        <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>Process</attribute>"
  "        <attribute name='action'>examplepopup.process</attribute>"
  "      </item>"
  "      <item>"
  "        <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>Remove</attribute>"
  "        <attribute name='action'>examplepopup.remove</attribute>"
  "      </item>"
  "    </section>"
  "  </menu>"


auto gmenu = m_refBuilder->get_object<Gio::Menu>("menu-examplepopup");
m_pMenuPopup = std::make_unique<Gtk::Menu>(gmenu);

To show the popup menu, use Gtk::Menu's popup() method, providing the button identifier and the time of activation, as provided by the button_press_event signal, which you will need to handle anyway. For instance:

bool ExampleWindow::on_button_press_event(GdkEventButton* event)
  if( (event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) && (event->button == 3) )

    m_pMenuPopup->popup(event->button, event->time);
    return true; //It has been handled.
    return false;