
Cuando un destino acepta un elemento arrastrado, se emiten ciertas señales, dependiendo de qué acción se ha seleccionado. Por ejemplo, el usuario podría haber mantenido presionada la tecla Mayús para especificar un movimiento en vez de una copia. Recuerde que el usuario sólo puede seleccionar las acciones que ha especificado en sus llamadas a drag_dest_set() y drag_source_set().

17.3.1. Copiar

The source widget will emit these signals, in this order:

  • drag_begin: Provides a Gdk::Drag.
  • drag_data_get: Provides a Gdk::Drag, and a Gtk::SelectionData object, in which you should put the requested data.
  • drag_end: Provides a Gdk::Drag.

The destination widget will emit these signals, in this order:

  • drag_motion: Provides a Gdk::Drop and coordinates. You can call the status() method of the Gdk::Drop to indicate which action will be accepted.
  • drag_drop: Provides a Gdk::Drop and coordinates. You can call drag_get_data(), which triggers the drag_data_get signal in the source widget, and then the drag_data_received signal in the destination widget.
  • drag_data_received: Provides a Gdk::Drop, and a Gtk::SelectionData object which contains the dropped data. You should call the finish() or failed() method of the Gdk::Drop to indicate whether the operation was successful.

17.3.2. Mover

During a move, the source widget will also emit this signal:

  • drag_data_delete: Gives the source the opportunity to delete the original data if that's appropriate.