gtkmm: Gtk::CellRendererProgress Class Reference

Renders numbers as progress bars. More...

#include <gtkmm/cellrendererprogress.h>

Inheritance diagram for Gtk::CellRendererProgress:

Public Member Functions

 CellRendererProgress (CellRendererProgress&& src) noexcept
CellRendererProgressoperator= (CellRendererProgress&& src) noexcept
 CellRendererProgress (const CellRendererProgress&)=delete
CellRendererProgressoperator= (const CellRendererProgress&)=delete
 ~CellRendererProgress () noexceptoverride
GtkCellRendererProgress* gobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GtkObject. More...

const GtkCellRendererProgress* gobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GtkObject. More...

 CellRendererProgress ()
Glib::PropertyProxy< int > property_value ()
 The "value" property determines the percentage to which the progress bar will be "filled in". More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_value () const
 The "value" property determines the percentage to which the progress bar will be "filled in". More...

Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::ustringproperty_text ()
 The "text" property determines the label which will be drawn over the progress bar. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::ustringproperty_text () const
 The "text" property determines the label which will be drawn over the progress bar. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy< int > property_pulse ()
 Setting this to a non-negative value causes the cell renderer to enter "activity mode", where a block bounces back and forth to indicate that some progress is made, without specifying exactly how much. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_pulse () const
 Setting this to a non-negative value causes the cell renderer to enter "activity mode", where a block bounces back and forth to indicate that some progress is made, without specifying exactly how much. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy< float > property_text_xalign ()
 The "text-xalign" property controls the horizontal alignment of the text in the progress bar. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< float > property_text_xalign () const
 The "text-xalign" property controls the horizontal alignment of the text in the progress bar. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy< float > property_text_yalign ()
 The "text-yalign" property controls the vertical alignment of the text in the progress bar. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< float > property_text_yalign () const
 The "text-yalign" property controls the vertical alignment of the text in the progress bar. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_inverted ()
 Invert the direction in which the progress bar grows. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_inverted () const
 Invert the direction in which the progress bar grows. More...

- Public Member Functions inherited from Gtk::CellRenderer
 CellRenderer (CellRenderer&& src) noexcept
CellRendereroperator= (CellRenderer&& src) noexcept
 CellRenderer (const CellRenderer&)=delete
CellRendereroperator= (const CellRenderer&)=delete
 ~CellRenderer () noexceptoverride
GtkCellRenderer* gobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GtkObject. More...

const GtkCellRenderer* gobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GtkObject. More...

SizeRequestMode get_request_mode () const
 Gets whether the cell renderer prefers a height-for-width layout or a width-for-height layout. More...

void get_preferred_width (Widget& widget, int& minimum_width, int& natural_width) const
 Retreives a renderer’s natural size when rendered to widget. More...

void get_preferred_height_for_width (Widget& widget, int width, int& minimum_height, int& natural_height) const
 Retreives a cell renderers’s minimum and natural height if it were rendered to widget with the specified width. More...

void get_preferred_height (Widget& widget, int& minimum_height, int& natural_height) const
 Retreives a renderer’s natural size when rendered to widget. More...

void get_preferred_width_for_height (Widget& widget, int height, int& minimum_width, int& natural_width) const
 Retreives a cell renderers’s minimum and natural width if it were rendered to widget with the specified height. More...

void get_preferred_size (Widget& widget, Requisition& minimum_size, Requisition& natural_size) const
 Retrieves the minimum and natural size of a cell taking into account the widget’s preference for height-for-width management. More...

void get_aligned_area (Widget& widget, CellRendererState flags, const Gdk::Rectangle& cell_area, Gdk::Rectangle& aligned_area)
 Gets the aligned area used by cell inside cell_area. More...

void render (const ::Cairo::RefPtr< ::Cairo::Context >& cr, Widget& widget, const Gdk::Rectangle& background_area, const Gdk::Rectangle& cell_area, CellRendererState flags)
 Invokes the virtual render function of the Gtk::CellRenderer. More...

bool activate (GdkEvent* event, Widget& widget, const Glib::ustring& path, const Gdk::Rectangle& background_area, const Gdk::Rectangle& cell_area, CellRendererState flags)
 Passes an activate event to the cell renderer for possible processing. More...

CellEditablestart_editing (GdkEvent* event, Widget& widget, const Glib::ustring& path, const Gdk::Rectangle& background_area, const Gdk::Rectangle& cell_area, CellRendererState flags=CellRendererState(0))
 Passes an activate event to the cell renderer for possible processing. More...

void set_fixed_size (int width, int height)
 Sets the renderer size to be explicit, independent of the properties set. More...

void get_fixed_size (int& width, int& height) const
 Fills in width and height with the appropriate size of cell. More...

void set_alignment (float xalign, float yalign)
 Sets the renderer’s alignment within its available space. More...

void get_alignment (float& xalign, float& yalign) const
 Fills in xalign and yalign with the appropriate values of cell. More...

void set_padding (int xpad, int ypad)
 Sets the renderer’s padding. More...

void get_padding (int& xpad, int& ypad) const
 Fills in xpad and ypad with the appropriate values of cell. More...

void set_visible (bool visible=true)
 Sets the cell renderer’s visibility. More...

bool get_visible () const
 Returns the cell renderer’s visibility. More...

void set_sensitive (bool sensitive=true)
 Sets the cell renderer’s sensitivity. More...

bool get_sensitive () const
 Returns the cell renderer’s sensitivity. More...

bool is_activatable () const
 Checks whether the cell renderer can do something when activated. More...

void stop_editing (bool canceled=false)
 Informs the cell renderer that the editing is stopped. More...

StateFlags get_state (Widget& widget, CellRendererState cell_state) const
 Translates the cell renderer state to Gtk::StateFlags, based on the cell renderer and widget sensitivity, and the given Gtk::CellRendererState. More...

StateFlags get_state (CellRendererState cell_state) const
 Translates the cell renderer state to StateFlags, based on the cell renderer and the given CellRendererState. More...

Glib::SignalProxy< void > signal_editing_canceled ()
Glib::SignalProxy< void, CellEditable*, const Glib::ustring& > signal_editing_started ()
Glib::PropertyProxy< CellRendererModeproperty_mode ()
 Editable mode of the CellRenderer. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< CellRendererModeproperty_mode () const
 Editable mode of the CellRenderer. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_visible ()
 Display the cell. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_visible () const
 Display the cell. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_sensitive ()
 Display the cell sensitive. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_sensitive () const
 Display the cell sensitive. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy< float > property_xalign ()
 The x-align. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< float > property_xalign () const
 The x-align. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy< float > property_yalign ()
 The y-align. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< float > property_yalign () const
 The y-align. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy< unsigned int > property_xpad ()
 The xpad. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< unsigned int > property_xpad () const
 The xpad. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy< unsigned int > property_ypad ()
 The ypad. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< unsigned int > property_ypad () const
 The ypad. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy< int > property_width ()
 The fixed width. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_width () const
 The fixed width. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy< int > property_height ()
 The fixed height. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_height () const
 The fixed height. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_is_expander ()
 Row has children. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_is_expander () const
 Row has children. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_is_expanded ()
 Row is an expander row, and is expanded. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_is_expanded () const
 Row is an expander row, and is expanded. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_WriteOnly< Glib::ustringproperty_cell_background ()
 Cell background color as a string. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy< Gdk::Colorproperty_cell_background_gdk ()
 Cell background as a Gdk::Color. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Gdk::Colorproperty_cell_background_gdk () const
 Cell background as a Gdk::Color. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy< Gdk::RGBAproperty_cell_background_rgba ()
 Cell background as a Gdk::RGBA. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Gdk::RGBAproperty_cell_background_rgba () const
 Cell background as a Gdk::RGBA. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_cell_background_set ()
 Whether the cell background color is set. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_cell_background_set () const
 Whether the cell background color is set. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_editing () const
 Whether the cell renderer is currently in editing mode. More...

- Public Member Functions inherited from Gtk::Object
 Object (Object&& src) noexcept
Objectoperator= (Object&& src) noexcept
 ~Object () noexceptoverride
GObject* gobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GtkObject. More...

const GObject* gobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GtkObject. More...

- Public Member Functions inherited from Glib::Object
 Object (const Object &)=delete
Objectoperator= (const Object &)=delete
 Object (Object &&src) noexcept
Objectoperator= (Object &&src) noexcept
void * get_data (const QueryQuark &key)
void set_data (const Quark &key, void *data)
void set_data (const Quark &key, void *data, DestroyNotify notify)
void remove_data (const QueryQuark &quark)
void * steal_data (const QueryQuark &quark)
Glib::RefPtr< Glib::Objectwrap (GObject *object, bool take_copy=false)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Glib::ObjectBase
 ObjectBase (const ObjectBase &)=delete
ObjectBaseoperator= (const ObjectBase &)=delete
void set_property_value (const Glib::ustring &property_name, const Glib::ValueBase &value)
void get_property_value (const Glib::ustring &property_name, Glib::ValueBase &value) const
void set_property (const Glib::ustring &property_name, const PropertyType &value)
void get_property (const Glib::ustring &property_name, PropertyType &value) const
void connect_property_changed (const Glib::ustring &property_name, const sigc::slot< void > &slot)
void connect_property_changed (const Glib::ustring &property_name, sigc::slot< void > &&slot)
sigc::connection connect_property_changed_with_return (const Glib::ustring &property_name, const sigc::slot< void > &slot)
sigc::connection connect_property_changed_with_return (const Glib::ustring &property_name, sigc::slot< void > &&slot)
void freeze_notify ()
void thaw_notify ()
virtual void reference () const
virtual void unreference () const
GObject * gobj ()
const GObject * gobj () const
GObject * gobj_copy () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from sigc::trackable
 trackable () noexcept
 trackable (const trackable &src) noexcept
 trackable (trackable &&src)
 ~trackable ()
void add_destroy_notify_callback (void *data, func_destroy_notify func) const
void notify_callbacks ()
trackableoperator= (const trackable &src)
trackableoperator= (trackable &&src)
void remove_destroy_notify_callback (void *data) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Gtk::Orientable
 Orientable (Orientable&& src) noexcept
Orientableoperator= (Orientable&& src) noexcept
 ~Orientable () noexceptoverride
GtkOrientable* gobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...

const GtkOrientable* gobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...

void set_orientation (Orientation orientation)
 Sets the orientation of the orientable. More...

Orientation get_orientation () const
 Retrieves the orientation of the orientable. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy< Orientationproperty_orientation ()
 The orientation of the orientable. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Orientationproperty_orientation () const
 The orientation of the orientable. More...

- Public Member Functions inherited from Glib::Interface
 Interface ()
 Interface (Interface &&src) noexcept
Interfaceoperator= (Interface &&src) noexcept
 Interface (const Glib::Interface_Class &interface_class)
 Interface (GObject *castitem)
 ~Interface () noexceptoverride
 Interface (const Interface &)=delete
Interfaceoperator= (const Interface &)=delete
GObject * gobj ()
const GObject * gobj () const

Static Public Member Functions

static GType get_type ()
 Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system. More...

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Gtk::CellRenderer
static GType get_type ()
 Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system. More...

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Gtk::Orientable
static void add_interface (GType gtype_implementer)
static GType get_type ()
 Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system. More...


Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

Gtk::CellRendererProgresswrap (GtkCellRendererProgress* object, bool take_copy=false)
 A Glib::wrap() method for this object. More...


Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Glib::Object
typedef void(*)(gpointer data DestroyNotify)
- Public Types inherited from sigc::trackable
typedef internal::func_destroy_notify func_destroy_notify
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Gtk::CellRenderer
virtual void on_editing_canceled ()
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_editing_canceled(). More...

virtual void on_editing_started (CellEditable* editable, const Glib::ustring& path)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_editing_started(). More...

 CellRenderer ()
virtual SizeRequestMode get_request_mode_vfunc () const
virtual void get_preferred_width_vfunc (Widget& widget, int& minimum_width, int& natural_width) const
virtual void get_preferred_height_for_width_vfunc (Widget& widget, int width, int& minimum_height, int& natural_height) const
virtual void get_preferred_height_vfunc (Widget& widget, int& minimum_height, int& natural_height) const
virtual void get_preferred_width_for_height_vfunc (Widget& widget, int height, int& minimum_width, int& natural_width) const
virtual void render_vfunc (const ::Cairo::RefPtr< ::Cairo::Context >& cr, Widget& widget, const Gdk::Rectangle& background_area, const Gdk::Rectangle& cell_area, CellRendererState flags)
virtual bool activate_vfunc (GdkEvent* event, Widget& widget, const Glib::ustring& path, const Gdk::Rectangle& background_area, const Gdk::Rectangle& cell_area, CellRendererState flags)
virtual CellEditablestart_editing_vfunc (GdkEvent* event, Widget& widget, const Glib::ustring& path, const Gdk::Rectangle& background_area, const Gdk::Rectangle& cell_area, CellRendererState flags)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Glib::Object
 Object ()
 Object (const Glib::ConstructParams &construct_params)
 Object (GObject *castitem)
 ~Object () noexceptoverride
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Glib::ObjectBase
 ObjectBase ()
 ObjectBase (const char *custom_type_name)
 ObjectBase (const std::type_info &custom_type_info)
 ObjectBase (ObjectBase &&src) noexcept
ObjectBaseoperator= (ObjectBase &&src) noexcept
virtual ~ObjectBase () noexcept=0
void initialize (GObject *castitem)
void initialize_move (GObject *castitem, Glib::ObjectBase *previous_wrapper)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Gtk::Orientable
 Orientable ()
 You should derive from this class to use it. More...


Detailed Description

Renders numbers as progress bars.

Since gtkmm 2.6:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Gtk::CellRendererProgress::CellRendererProgress ( CellRendererProgress&&  src)
Gtk::CellRendererProgress::CellRendererProgress ( const CellRendererProgress )
Gtk::CellRendererProgress::~CellRendererProgress ( )
Gtk::CellRendererProgress::CellRendererProgress ( )

Member Function Documentation

static GType Gtk::CellRendererProgress::get_type ( )

Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system.

GtkCellRendererProgress* Gtk::CellRendererProgress::gobj ( )

Provides access to the underlying C GtkObject.

const GtkCellRendererProgress* Gtk::CellRendererProgress::gobj ( ) const

Provides access to the underlying C GtkObject.

CellRendererProgress& Gtk::CellRendererProgress::operator= ( CellRendererProgress&&  src)
CellRendererProgress& Gtk::CellRendererProgress::operator= ( const CellRendererProgress )
Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > Gtk::CellRendererProgress::property_inverted ( )

Invert the direction in which the progress bar grows.

A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property, or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > Gtk::CellRendererProgress::property_inverted ( ) const

Invert the direction in which the progress bar grows.

A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property, or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy< int > Gtk::CellRendererProgress::property_pulse ( )

Setting this to a non-negative value causes the cell renderer to enter "activity mode", where a block bounces back and forth to indicate that some progress is made, without specifying exactly how much.

Each increment of the property causes the block to move by a little bit.

To indicate that the activity has not started yet, set the property to zero. To indicate completion, set the property to MAXINT.

Since gtkmm 2.12:
A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property, or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > Gtk::CellRendererProgress::property_pulse ( ) const

Setting this to a non-negative value causes the cell renderer to enter "activity mode", where a block bounces back and forth to indicate that some progress is made, without specifying exactly how much.

Each increment of the property causes the block to move by a little bit.

To indicate that the activity has not started yet, set the property to zero. To indicate completion, set the property to MAXINT.

Since gtkmm 2.12:
A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property, or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::ustring > Gtk::CellRendererProgress::property_text ( )

The "text" property determines the label which will be drawn over the progress bar.

Setting this property to nullptr causes the default label to be displayed. Setting this property to an empty string causes no label to be displayed.

Since gtkmm 2.6:
A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property, or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::ustring > Gtk::CellRendererProgress::property_text ( ) const

The "text" property determines the label which will be drawn over the progress bar.

Setting this property to nullptr causes the default label to be displayed. Setting this property to an empty string causes no label to be displayed.

Since gtkmm 2.6:
A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property, or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy< float > Gtk::CellRendererProgress::property_text_xalign ( )

The "text-xalign" property controls the horizontal alignment of the text in the progress bar.

Valid values range from 0 (left) to 1 (right). Reserved for RTL layouts.

Since gtkmm 2.12:
A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property, or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< float > Gtk::CellRendererProgress::property_text_xalign ( ) const

The "text-xalign" property controls the horizontal alignment of the text in the progress bar.

Valid values range from 0 (left) to 1 (right). Reserved for RTL layouts.

Since gtkmm 2.12:
A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property, or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy< float > Gtk::CellRendererProgress::property_text_yalign ( )

The "text-yalign" property controls the vertical alignment of the text in the progress bar.

Valid values range from 0 (top) to 1 (bottom).

Since gtkmm 2.12:
A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property, or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< float > Gtk::CellRendererProgress::property_text_yalign ( ) const

The "text-yalign" property controls the vertical alignment of the text in the progress bar.

Valid values range from 0 (top) to 1 (bottom).

Since gtkmm 2.12:
A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property, or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy< int > Gtk::CellRendererProgress::property_value ( )

The "value" property determines the percentage to which the progress bar will be "filled in".

Since gtkmm 2.6:
A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property, or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > Gtk::CellRendererProgress::property_value ( ) const

The "value" property determines the percentage to which the progress bar will be "filled in".

Since gtkmm 2.6:
A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property, or receive notification when the value of the property changes.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

Gtk::CellRendererProgress* wrap ( GtkCellRendererProgress *  object,
bool  take_copy = false 

A Glib::wrap() method for this object.

objectThe C instance.
take_copyFalse if the result should take ownership of the C instance. True if it should take a new copy or ref.
A C++ instance that wraps this C instance.