
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.WifiP2P — Wi-Fi P2P Device


StartFind (IN  a{sv} options);
StopFind  ();


PeerAdded   (o peer);
PeerRemoved (o peer);


HwAddress  readable   s
Peers      readable   ao


Since: 1.16

Method Details

The StartFind() method

StartFind (IN  a{sv} options);

in the range of 1-600 seconds is supported. The default is 30 seconds.

Start a find operation for Wi-Fi P2P peers.

Since: 1.16

IN a{sv} options:

Options of find. Currently 'timeout' option with value of "i"

The StopFind() method

StopFind ();

Stop an ongoing find operation again.

Since: 1.16

Signal Details

The "PeerAdded" signal

PeerAdded (o peer);

Emitted when a new Wi-Fi P2P peer is found by the device.

Since: 1.16

o peer:

The object path of the newly found access point.

The "PeerRemoved" signal

PeerRemoved (o peer);

Emitted when a Wi-Fi P2P peer disappears from view of the device.

Since: 1.16

o peer:

The object path of the Wi-Fi P2P peer that has disappeared.

Property Details

The "HwAddress" property

HwAddress  readable   s

The active hardware address of the device.

Since: 1.16

The "Peers" property

Peers  readable   ao

List of object paths of peers visible to this Wi-Fi P2P device.

Since: 1.16