


PropertiesChanged (a{sv} properties);


ModemCapabilities    readable   u
CurrentCapabilities  readable   u


Signal Details

The "PropertiesChanged" signal

PropertiesChanged (a{sv} properties);

DEPRECATED. Use the standard "PropertiesChanged" signal from "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" instead which exists since version NetworkManager 1.2.0.

a{sv} properties:

A dictionary mapping property names to variant boxed values

Property Details

The "ModemCapabilities" property

ModemCapabilities  readable   u

The generic family of access technologies the modem supports. Not all capabilities are available at the same time however; some modems require a firmware reload or other reinitialization to switch between eg CDMA/EVDO and GSM/UMTS.

Returns: NMDeviceModemCapabilities

The "CurrentCapabilities" property

CurrentCapabilities  readable   u

The generic family of access technologies the modem currently supports without a firmware reload or reinitialization.

Returns: NMDeviceModemCapabilities