glibmm: Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
ChecksumTypeCHECKSUM_MD5: Use the MD5 hashing algorithm CHECKSUM_SHA1: Use the SHA-1 hashing algorithm CHECKSUM_SHA256: Use the SHA-256 hashing algorithm
Gio::AppInfoApplication information, to describe applications installed on the system, and launch them
Gio::AppLaunchContextThis is used to handle, for instance, startup notification and launching of the new application on the same screen as the launching window
Gio::AsyncInitableAsyncInitable - Asynchronously failable object initialization interface
Gio::AsyncResultProvides a base class for implementing asynchronous function results
Gio::BufferedInputStreamThe buffered input stream implements FilterInputStream and provides for buffered reads
Gio::BufferedOutputStreamThe buffered output stream implements FilterOutputStream and provides for buffered writes
Gio::CancellableAllows actions to be cancelled
Gio::CredentialsAn object containing credentials
Gio::DataInputStreamAn implementation of BufferedInputStream that allows for high-level data manipulation of arbitrary data (including binary operations)
Gio::DataOutputStreamAn implementation of BufferedOutputStream that allows for high-level data manipulation of arbitrary data (including binary operations)
Gio::DBus::AnnotationInfoStores information about an annotation
Gio::DBus::ArgInfoArgInfo - Stores information about an argument for a method or a signal
Gio::DBus::AuthObserverAh object used for authenticating connections
Gio::DBus::ConnectionA D-Bus Connection
Gio::DBus::InterfaceInfoStores information about a D-Bus interface
Gio::DBus::InterfaceVTableThis represents a virtual table for handling properties and method calls for a D-Bus interface
Gio::DBus::MessageA type for representing D-Bus messages that can be sent or received on a Connection
Gio::DBus::MethodInfoStores information about a method on an D-Bus interface
Gio::DBus::MethodInvocationAn Object for handling remote calls
Gio::DBus::NodeInfoNodeInfo - Stores information about nodes in a remote object hierarchy
Gio::DBus::PropertyInfoStores information about a property on a D-Bus interface
Gio::DBus::ProxyA client-side proxy
Gio::DBus::ServerThis is a helper for listening to and accepting D-Bus connections
Gio::DBus::SignalInfoStores information about a signal on a D-Bus interface
Gio::DBus::SubtreeVTableThis represents a virtual table for subtrees registered with Gio::DBus::Connection::register_subtree()
Gio::DesktopAppInfoDesktopAppInfo is an implementation of AppInfo based on desktop files
Gio::DriveVirtual File System drive management
Gio::EmblemAn object for emblems
Gio::EmblemedIconIcons with Emblems
Gio::ErrorException class for giomm errors
Gio::FileFile and directory handling
Gio::FileAttributeInfoInformation about a specific attribute - see FileAttributeInfoList
Gio::FileAttributeInfoListKey-Value paired file attributes
Gio::FileAttributeMatcherFileAttributeMatcher allows for searching through a FileInfo for attributes
Gio::FileEnumeratorEnumerated Files Routines
Gio::FileIconFileIcon specifies an icon by pointing to an image file to be used as icon
Gio::FileInfoFileInfo implements methods for getting information that all files should contain, and allows for manipulation of extended attributes
Gio::FileInputStreamFileInputStream provides input streams that take their content from a file
Gio::FileIOStreamFileIOStream provides input streams that take their content from a file
Gio::FileMonitorMonitors a file or directory for changes
Gio::FilenameCompleterCompletes partial file and directory names given a partial string by looking in the file system for clues
Gio::FileOutputStreamFileOutputStream provides output streams that write their content to a file
Gio::FilterInputStreamFilter Input Stream
Gio::FilterOutputStreamFilter Output Stream
Gio::IconThis is a very minimal interface for icons
Gio::InetAddressAn IPv4/IPv6 address
Gio::InetSocketAddressInternet SocketAddress
Gio::InitableFailable object initialization interface
Gio::InputStreamBase class for implementing streaming input
Gio::LoadableIconExtends the Icon interface and adds the ability to load icons from streams
Gio::MemoryInputStreamMemoryInputStream implements InputStream for arbitrary memory chunks
Gio::MemoryOutputStreamStreaming output operations on memory chunks
Gio::MountThe Mount interface represents user-visible mounts
Gio::MountOperationAuthentication methods for mountable locations
Gio::NetworkAddressA SocketConnectable for resolving hostnames
Gio::NetworkServiceA GSocketConnectable for resolving SRV records
Gio::OutputStreamBase class for implementing streaming output
Gio::ProxyProxy - Interface for proxy handling
Gio::ProxyAddressProxyAddress - An internet address with proxy information
Gio::ProxyResolverProxyResolver - Asynchronous and cancellable network proxy resolver
Gio::ResolverAsynchronous and cancellable DNS resolver
Gio::SeekableStream seeking interface
Gio::SettingsA high-level API for application settings
Gio::SocketLow-level socket object
Gio::SocketAddressAbstract base class representing endpoints for socket communication
Gio::SocketAddressEnumeratorEnumerator type for objects that contain or generate SocketAddresses
Gio::SocketClientHelper for connecting to a network service
Gio::SocketConnectableInterface for potential socket endpoints
Gio::SocketConnectionA socket connection
Gio::SocketControlMessageSocketControlMessage - A Socket control message
Gio::SocketListenerHelper for accepting network client connections
Gio::SocketServiceMake it easy to implement a network service
Gio::SrvTargetDNS SRV record target
Gio::TcpConnectionA TCP SocketConnection
Gio::ThemedIconIcon theming support ThemedIcon is an implementation of Gio::Icon that supports icon themes
Gio::ThreadedSocketServiceA threaded GSocketService
Gio::UnixConnectionA Unix domain SocketConnection
Gio::UnixCredentialsMessageUnixCredentialsMessage - A SocketControlMessage containing credentials
Gio::UnixFDListUnixFDList - An object containing a set of UNIX file descriptors
Gio::UnixFDMessageUnixFDMessage — A GSocketControlMessage containing a GUnixFDList
Gio::UnixInputStreamUnixInputStream implements InputStream for reading from a unix file descriptor, including asynchronous operations
Gio::UnixOutputStreamUnixOutputStream implements OutputStream for writing to a a unix file descriptor, including asynchronous operations
Gio::UnixSocketAddressUnixSocketAddress - UNIX SocketAddress
Gio::VolumeThe Volume interface represents user-visible objects that can be mounted
Gio::VolumeMonitorMonitors a file or directory for changes
Glib::ArrayHandle< T, Tr >This is an intermediate type
Glib::ArrayHandle< bool, Container_Helpers::TypeTraits< bool > >
Glib::ArrayHandler< T, Tr >A utility for converting between std::vector and plain C arrays
Glib::ArrayHandler< bool >
Glib::BalancedTree< K, V >Balanced Binary Trees — a sorted collection of key/value pairs optimized for searching and traversing in order
Glib::ChecksumComputes the checksum for data
Glib::CondAn opaque data structure to represent a condition
Glib::Container_Helpers::ArrayHandleIterator< Tr >
Glib::Container_Helpers::ArrayIterator< Tr >
Glib::Container_Helpers::ArrayKeeper< Tr >A keeper class for C array
Glib::Container_Helpers::GListKeeper< Tr >A keeper class for GList
Glib::Container_Helpers::GSListKeeper< Tr >A keeper class for GSList
Glib::Container_Helpers::ListHandleIterator< Tr >
Glib::Container_Helpers::ListIterator< Tr >
Glib::Container_Helpers::SListHandleIterator< Tr >
Glib::Container_Helpers::SListIterator< Tr >
Glib::Container_Helpers::TypeTraits< T >Generic TypeTraits implementation
Glib::Container_Helpers::TypeTraits< Glib::RefPtr< Gio::Drive > >This specialization of TypeTraits exists because the default use of Glib::wrap(GObject*), instead of a specific Glib::wrap(GSomeInterface*), would not return a wrapper for an interface
Glib::Container_Helpers::TypeTraits< Glib::RefPtr< Gio::File > >This specialization of TypeTraits exists because the default use of Glib::wrap(GObject*), instead of a specific Glib::wrap(GSomeInterface*), would not return a wrapper for an interface
Glib::Container_Helpers::TypeTraits< Glib::RefPtr< Gio::Mount > >This specialization of TypeTraits exists because the default use of Glib::wrap(GObject*), instead of a specific Glib::wrap(GSomeInterface*), would not return a wrapper for an interface
Glib::Container_Helpers::TypeTraits< Glib::RefPtr< Gio::Volume > >This specialization of TypeTraits exists because the default use of Glib::wrap(GObject*), instead of a specific Glib::wrap(GSomeInterface*), would not return a wrapper for an interface
Glib::ConvertErrorException class for charset conversion errors
Glib::DateJulian calendar date
Glib::DateTimeDateTime - A structure representing Date and Time
Glib::DirUtility class representing an open directory
Glib::DirIteratorThe iterator type of Glib::Dir
Glib::DispatcherSignal class for inter-thread communication
Glib::FileErrorException class for file-related errors
Glib::HelperList< T_Child, T_CppElement, T_Iterator >
Glib::IConvThin iconv() wrapper
Glib::IOChannelIOChannel aims to provide portable I/O support for files, pipes and sockets, and to integrate them with the GLib main event loop
Glib::IOChannelErrorException class for IOChannel errors
Glib::KeyFileThis class lets you parse, edit or create files containing groups of key-value pairs, which we call key files for lack of a better name
Glib::KeyFileErrorException class for KeyFile errors
Glib::ListHandle< T, Tr >This is an intermediate type
Glib::ListHandler< T, Tr >A utility for converting between std::vector and GList
Glib::MainContextMain context
Glib::Markup::AttributeKeyLessBinary predicate used by Markup::Parser::AttributeMap
Glib::Markup::ParseContextA parse context is used to parse marked-up documents
Glib::Markup::ParserThe abstract markup parser base class
Glib::MarkupErrorException class for markup parsing errors
Glib::MatchInfoMatchInfo - MatchInfo is used to retrieve information about the regular expression match which created it
Glib::ModuleDynamic Loading of Modules These functions provide a portable way to dynamically load object files (commonly known as 'plug-ins')
Glib::MutexRepresents a mutex (mutual exclusion)
Glib::Mutex::LockUtility class for exception-safe mutex locking
Glib::NodeTree< T >N-ary Trees - trees of data with any number of branches The NodeTree class and its associated functions provide an N-ary tree data structure, in which nodes in the tree can contain arbitrary data
Glib::ObjectBaseGlib::ObjectBase is a common base class for Objects and Interfaces
Glib::OptionContextAn OptionContext defines which options are accepted by the commandline option parser
Glib::OptionEntryAn OptionEntry defines a single option
Glib::OptionErrorException class for options
Glib::OptionGroupAn OptionGroup defines the options in a single group
Glib::Private< T >
Glib::Property< T >
Glib::PropertyProxy< T >A PropertyProxy can be used to get and set the value of an object's property
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< T >See PropertyProxy()
Glib::PropertyProxy_WriteOnly< T >See PropertyProxy()
Glib::QueryQuarkQuarks are unique IDs in Glib for strings for use in hash table lookups
Glib::RecMutex::LockUtility class for exception-safe locking of recursive mutexes
Glib::RefPtr< T_CppObject >RefPtr<> is a reference-counting shared smartpointer
Glib::RegexPerl-compatible regular expressions - matches strings against regular expressions
Glib::RegexErrorException class for Regex
Glib::RWLock::ReaderLockUtility class for exception-safe locking of read/write locks
Glib::RWLock::WriterLockUtility class for exception-safe locking of read/write locks
Glib::Sequence< Iterator >Utility class holding an iterator sequence
Glib::ShellErrorException class for shell utility errors
Glib::SignalProxy0< R >Proxy for signals with 0 arguments
Glib::SignalProxy1< R, P1 >Proxy for signals with 1 arguments
Glib::SignalProxy2< R, P1, P2 >Proxy for signals with 2 arguments
Glib::SignalProxy3< R, P1, P2, P3 >Proxy for signals with 3 arguments
Glib::SignalProxy4< R, P1, P2, P3, P4 >Proxy for signals with 4 arguments
Glib::SignalProxy5< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 >Proxy for signals with 5 arguments
Glib::SignalProxy6< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 >Proxy for signals with 6 arguments
Glib::SignalProxyNormalThe SignalProxy provides an API similar to sigc::signal that can be used to connect sigc::slots to glib signals
Glib::SignalProxyPropertyUse the connect() method, with sigc::ptr_fun() or sig::mem_fun() to connect signals to signal handlers
Glib::SListHandle< T, Tr >This is an intermediate type
Glib::SListHandler< T, Tr >A utility for converting between std::vector and GSList
Glib::SpawnErrorException class for errors occuring when spawning processes
Glib::StaticMutexLike Glib::Mutex, but can be defined at compile time
Glib::StaticPrivate< T >
Glib::StaticRecMutexLike Glib::RecMutex, but can be defined at compile time
Glib::StaticRWLockLike Glib::RWLock, but can be defined at compile time
Glib::ThreadRepresents a running thread
Glib::Thread::ExitException class used to exit from a thread
Glib::ThreadErrorException class for thread-related errors
Glib::ThreadPoolA pool of threads to execute work concurrently
Glib::TimerPortable stop watch interface
Glib::TimeValGlib::TimeVal is a wrapper around the glib structure GTimeVal
Glib::TimeZoneTimeZone - A structure representing a time zone
Glib::ustringGlib::ustring has much the same interface as std::string, but contains Unicode characters encoded as UTF-8
Glib::ustring_Iterator< T >The iterator type of Glib::ustring
Glib::Value< T >Generic value implementation for custom types
Glib::Value< bool >
Glib::Value< char >
Glib::Value< const T* >Specialization for pointers to const instances of any type
Glib::Value< double >
Glib::Value< float >
Glib::Value< Glib::ustring >Specialization for UTF-8 strings
Glib::Value< int >
Glib::Value< long >
Glib::Value< long long >
Glib::Value< std::string >Specialization for strings
Glib::Value< T* >Specialization for pointers to instances of any type
Glib::Value< unsigned char >
Glib::Value< unsigned int >
Glib::Value< unsigned long >
Glib::Value< unsigned long long >
Glib::Value< void* >
Glib::Value_Boxed< T >
Glib::Value_Enum< T >Base class of Glib::Value<T> specializations for enum types
Glib::Value_Flags< T >Base class of Glib::Value<T> specializations for flags types
Glib::Value_Pointer< T, PtrT >
Glib::ValueArrayA container structure to maintain an array of generic values
Glib::Variant< T >Template class used for the specialization of the Variant<> classes
Glib::Variant< bool >Specialization of Glib::Variant containing a bool type
Glib::Variant< double >Specialization of Glib::Variant containing a double type
Glib::Variant< gint16 >Specialization of Glib::Variant containing a gint16 type
Glib::Variant< gint32 >Specialization of Glib::Variant containing a gint32 type
Glib::Variant< gint64 >Specialization of Glib::Variant containing a gint64 type
Glib::Variant< Glib::ustring >Specialization of Variant containing a Glib::ustring, for variants of type string, bytestring, object path, or signature
Glib::Variant< guint16 >Specialization of Glib::Variant containing a guint16 type
Glib::Variant< guint32 >Specialization of Glib::Variant containing a guint32 type
Glib::Variant< guint64 >Specialization of Glib::Variant containing a guint64 type
Glib::Variant< std::map< K, V > >Specialization of Variant containing a dictionary (a map of (key, value) elements)
Glib::Variant< std::string >Specialization of Variant containing a std::string, for variants of type bytestring, object path, or signature
Glib::Variant< std::vector< Glib::ustring > >Specialization of Variant containing an array of UTF-8 capable strings
Glib::Variant< std::vector< std::string > >Specialization of Variant containing an array of non-UTF-8 strings (byte string arrays)
Glib::Variant< std::vector< T > >Specialization of Variant containing an array of items
Glib::Variant< unsigned char >Specialization of Glib::Variant containing a unsigned char type
Glib::Variant< VariantBase >Specialization of Variant containing a VariantBase
Glib::VariantBaseThis is the base class for all Variant types
Glib::VariantContainerBaseThe base class from which multiple-item Variants derive, such as Variants containing tuples or arrays
Glib::VariantIterVariantIter - An opaque data structure used to iterate through VariantBase containers such as arrays
Glib::VariantStringBaseBase class from which string variant classes derive
Glib::VariantTypeVariantType - The VariantBase type system