glibmm: Gio::DBus Namespace Reference




class  ActionGroup
 ActionGroup - A D-Bus Gio::ActionGroup implementation. More...

class  AnnotationInfo
 Stores information about an annotation. More...

class  ArgInfo
 ArgInfo - Stores information about an argument for a method or a signal. More...

class  AuthObserver
 AuthObserver - An object used for authenticating connections. More...

class  Connection
 A D-Bus Connection. More...

class  Error
class  Interface
 Interface - Base type for D-Bus interfaces. More...

class  InterfaceInfo
 Stores information about a D-Bus interface. More...

class  InterfaceSkeleton
 Abstract base class for D-Bus interfaces on the service side. More...

class  InterfaceVTable
 This represents a virtual table for handling properties and method calls for a D-Bus interface. More...

class  MenuModel
 MenuModel - A D-Bus Gio::MenuModel implementation. More...

class  Message
 A type for representing D-Bus messages that can be sent or received on a Connection. More...

class  MethodInfo
 Stores information about a method on an D-Bus interface. More...

class  MethodInvocation
 An Object for handling remote calls. More...

class  NodeInfo
 NodeInfo - Stores information about nodes in a remote object hierarchy. More...

class  Object
 Object - Base type for D-Bus objects. More...

class  PropertyInfo
 Stores information about a property on a D-Bus interface. More...

class  Proxy
 A client-side proxy. More...

class  Server
 This is a helper for listening to and accepting D-Bus connections. More...

class  SignalInfo
 Stores information about a signal on a D-Bus interface. More...

class  SubtreeVTable
 This represents a virtual table for subtrees registered with Gio::DBus::Connection::register_subtree(). More...



using SlotBusAcquired = sigc::slot< void(const Glib::RefPtr< Gio::DBus::Connection >&, Glib::ustring)>
 For example, void on_bus_acquired(const Glib::RefPtr<Gio::DBus::Connection>& connection, const Glib::ustring& name);. More...

using SlotNameAcquired = sigc::slot< void(const Glib::RefPtr< Gio::DBus::Connection >&, Glib::ustring)>
 For example, void on_name_acquired(const Glib::RefPtr<Gio::DBus::Connection>& connection, const Glib::ustring& name);. More...

using SlotNameLost = sigc::slot< void(const Glib::RefPtr< Gio::DBus::Connection >&, Glib::ustring)>
 For example, void on_name_lost(const Glib::RefPtr<Gio::DBus::Connection>& connection, const Glib::ustring& name);. More...

using SlotNameAppeared = sigc::slot< void(const Glib::RefPtr< Gio::DBus::Connection >&, Glib::ustring, const Glib::ustring&)>
 For example, void on_name_appeared(const Glib::RefPtr<Gio::DBus::Connection>& connection, const Glib::ustring& name, const Glib::ustring& name_owner);. More...

using SlotNameVanished = sigc::slot< void(const Glib::RefPtr< Gio::DBus::Connection >&, Glib::ustring)>
 For example, void on_name_vanished(const Glib::RefPtr<Gio::DBus::Connection>& connection, const Glib::ustring& name);. More...



enum  BusType {

  BusType::STARTER = -1,




 An enumeration for well-known message buses. More...

enum  CallFlags {

  CallFlags::NONE = 0x0,

  CallFlags::NO_AUTO_START = (1<<0),


 Flags used in g_dbus_connection_call() and similar APIs. More...

enum  ConnectionFlags {

  ConnectionFlags::NONE = 0x0,

  ConnectionFlags::AUTHENTICATION_CLIENT = (1<<0),

  ConnectionFlags::AUTHENTICATION_SERVER = (1<<1),


  ConnectionFlags::MESSAGE_BUS_CONNECTION = (1<<3),

  ConnectionFlags::DELAY_MESSAGE_PROCESSING = (1<<4)

 Flags used when creating a new Gio::DBus::Connection. More...

enum  SendMessageFlags {

  SendMessageFlags::NONE = 0x0,

  SendMessageFlags::PRESERVE_SERIAL = (1<<0)

 Flags used when sending DBusMessages on a Gio::DBus::Connection. More...

enum  SignalFlags {

  SignalFlags::NONE = 0x0,

  SignalFlags::NO_MATCH_RULE = (1<<0),

  SignalFlags::MATCH_ARG0_NAMESPACE = (1<<1),

  SignalFlags::MATCH_ARG0_PATH = (1<<2)

 Flags used when subscribing to signals via g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe(). More...

enum  SubtreeFlags {

  SubtreeFlags::NONE = 0x0,


 Flags passed to g_dbus_connection_register_subtree(). More...

enum  PropertyInfoFlags {

  PropertyInfoFlags::NONE = 0x0,

  PropertyInfoFlags::READABLE = (1<<0),

  PropertyInfoFlags::WRITABLE = (1<<1)

 Flags describing the access control of a D-Bus property. More...

enum  MessageType {






 Message types used in Gio::DBus::Message. More...

enum  MessageFlags {

  MessageFlags::NONE = 0x0,

  MessageFlags::NO_REPLY_EXPECTED = (1<<0),

  MessageFlags::NO_AUTO_START = (1<<1),


 Message flags used in Gio::DBus::Message. More...

enum  MessageHeaderField {











 Header fields used in Gio::DBus::Message. More...

enum  CapabilityFlags {

  CapabilityFlags::NONE = 0x0,

  CapabilityFlags::UNIX_FD_PASSING = (1<<0)

 Capabilities negotiated with the remote peer. More...

enum  BusNameOwnerFlags {

  BusNameOwnerFlags::NONE = 0x0,

  BusNameOwnerFlags::ALLOW_REPLACEMENT = (1<<0),

  BusNameOwnerFlags::REPLACE = (1<<1)

 Flags used in g_bus_own_name(). More...

enum  ProxyFlags {

  ProxyFlags::NONE = 0x0,

  ProxyFlags::DO_NOT_LOAD_PROPERTIES = (1<<0),

  ProxyFlags::DO_NOT_CONNECT_SIGNALS = (1<<1),

  ProxyFlags::DO_NOT_AUTO_START = (1<<2),



 Flags used when constructing an instance of a Gio::DBus::Proxy derived class. More...

enum  BusNameWatcherFlags {

  BusNameWatcherFlags::NONE = 0x0,

  BusNameWatcherFlags::AUTO_START = (1<<0)

 Flags used in g_bus_watch_name(). More...



CallFlags operator| (CallFlags lhs, CallFlags rhs)
CallFlags operator& (CallFlags lhs, CallFlags rhs)
CallFlags operator^ (CallFlags lhs, CallFlags rhs)
CallFlags operator~ (CallFlags flags)
CallFlagsoperator|= (CallFlags& lhs, CallFlags rhs)
CallFlagsoperator&= (CallFlags& lhs, CallFlags rhs)
CallFlagsoperator^= (CallFlags& lhs, CallFlags rhs)
ConnectionFlags operator| (ConnectionFlags lhs, ConnectionFlags rhs)
ConnectionFlags operator& (ConnectionFlags lhs, ConnectionFlags rhs)
ConnectionFlags operator^ (ConnectionFlags lhs, ConnectionFlags rhs)
ConnectionFlags operator~ (ConnectionFlags flags)
ConnectionFlagsoperator|= (ConnectionFlags& lhs, ConnectionFlags rhs)
ConnectionFlagsoperator&= (ConnectionFlags& lhs, ConnectionFlags rhs)
ConnectionFlagsoperator^= (ConnectionFlags& lhs, ConnectionFlags rhs)
SendMessageFlags operator| (SendMessageFlags lhs, SendMessageFlags rhs)
SendMessageFlags operator& (SendMessageFlags lhs, SendMessageFlags rhs)
SendMessageFlags operator^ (SendMessageFlags lhs, SendMessageFlags rhs)
SendMessageFlags operator~ (SendMessageFlags flags)
SendMessageFlagsoperator|= (SendMessageFlags& lhs, SendMessageFlags rhs)
SendMessageFlagsoperator&= (SendMessageFlags& lhs, SendMessageFlags rhs)
SendMessageFlagsoperator^= (SendMessageFlags& lhs, SendMessageFlags rhs)
SignalFlags operator| (SignalFlags lhs, SignalFlags rhs)
SignalFlags operator& (SignalFlags lhs, SignalFlags rhs)
SignalFlags operator^ (SignalFlags lhs, SignalFlags rhs)
SignalFlags operator~ (SignalFlags flags)
SignalFlagsoperator|= (SignalFlags& lhs, SignalFlags rhs)
SignalFlagsoperator&= (SignalFlags& lhs, SignalFlags rhs)
SignalFlagsoperator^= (SignalFlags& lhs, SignalFlags rhs)
SubtreeFlags operator| (SubtreeFlags lhs, SubtreeFlags rhs)
SubtreeFlags operator& (SubtreeFlags lhs, SubtreeFlags rhs)
SubtreeFlags operator^ (SubtreeFlags lhs, SubtreeFlags rhs)
SubtreeFlags operator~ (SubtreeFlags flags)
SubtreeFlagsoperator|= (SubtreeFlags& lhs, SubtreeFlags rhs)
SubtreeFlagsoperator&= (SubtreeFlags& lhs, SubtreeFlags rhs)
SubtreeFlagsoperator^= (SubtreeFlags& lhs, SubtreeFlags rhs)
InterfaceSkeleton::Flags operator| (InterfaceSkeleton::Flags lhs, InterfaceSkeleton::Flags rhs)
InterfaceSkeleton::Flags operator& (InterfaceSkeleton::Flags lhs, InterfaceSkeleton::Flags rhs)
InterfaceSkeleton::Flags operator^ (InterfaceSkeleton::Flags lhs, InterfaceSkeleton::Flags rhs)
InterfaceSkeleton::Flags operator~ (InterfaceSkeleton::Flags flags)
InterfaceSkeleton::Flagsoperator|= (InterfaceSkeleton::Flags& lhs, InterfaceSkeleton::Flags rhs)
InterfaceSkeleton::Flagsoperator&= (InterfaceSkeleton::Flags& lhs, InterfaceSkeleton::Flags rhs)
InterfaceSkeleton::Flagsoperator^= (InterfaceSkeleton::Flags& lhs, InterfaceSkeleton::Flags rhs)
PropertyInfoFlags operator| (PropertyInfoFlags lhs, PropertyInfoFlags rhs)
PropertyInfoFlags operator& (PropertyInfoFlags lhs, PropertyInfoFlags rhs)
PropertyInfoFlags operator^ (PropertyInfoFlags lhs, PropertyInfoFlags rhs)
PropertyInfoFlags operator~ (PropertyInfoFlags flags)
PropertyInfoFlagsoperator|= (PropertyInfoFlags& lhs, PropertyInfoFlags rhs)
PropertyInfoFlagsoperator&= (PropertyInfoFlags& lhs, PropertyInfoFlags rhs)
PropertyInfoFlagsoperator^= (PropertyInfoFlags& lhs, PropertyInfoFlags rhs)
MessageFlags operator| (MessageFlags lhs, MessageFlags rhs)
MessageFlags operator& (MessageFlags lhs, MessageFlags rhs)
MessageFlags operator^ (MessageFlags lhs, MessageFlags rhs)
MessageFlags operator~ (MessageFlags flags)
MessageFlagsoperator|= (MessageFlags& lhs, MessageFlags rhs)
MessageFlagsoperator&= (MessageFlags& lhs, MessageFlags rhs)
MessageFlagsoperator^= (MessageFlags& lhs, MessageFlags rhs)
CapabilityFlags operator| (CapabilityFlags lhs, CapabilityFlags rhs)
CapabilityFlags operator& (CapabilityFlags lhs, CapabilityFlags rhs)
CapabilityFlags operator^ (CapabilityFlags lhs, CapabilityFlags rhs)
CapabilityFlags operator~ (CapabilityFlags flags)
CapabilityFlagsoperator|= (CapabilityFlags& lhs, CapabilityFlags rhs)
CapabilityFlagsoperator&= (CapabilityFlags& lhs, CapabilityFlags rhs)
CapabilityFlagsoperator^= (CapabilityFlags& lhs, CapabilityFlags rhs)
BusNameOwnerFlags operator| (BusNameOwnerFlags lhs, BusNameOwnerFlags rhs)
BusNameOwnerFlags operator& (BusNameOwnerFlags lhs, BusNameOwnerFlags rhs)
BusNameOwnerFlags operator^ (BusNameOwnerFlags lhs, BusNameOwnerFlags rhs)
BusNameOwnerFlags operator~ (BusNameOwnerFlags flags)
BusNameOwnerFlagsoperator|= (BusNameOwnerFlags& lhs, BusNameOwnerFlags rhs)
BusNameOwnerFlagsoperator&= (BusNameOwnerFlags& lhs, BusNameOwnerFlags rhs)
BusNameOwnerFlagsoperator^= (BusNameOwnerFlags& lhs, BusNameOwnerFlags rhs)
guint own_name (BusType bus_type, const Glib::ustring& name, const SlotBusAcquired& bus_acquired_slot=SlotBusAcquired(), const SlotNameAcquired& name_acquired_slot=SlotNameAcquired(), const SlotNameLost& name_lost_slot=SlotNameLost(), BusNameOwnerFlags flags=Gio::DBus::BusNameOwnerFlags::NONE)
 Starts acquiring name on the bus specified by bus_type and calls name_acquired_slot and name_lost_slot when the name is acquired respectively lost. More...

void unown_name (guint owner_id)
 Stops owning a name. More...

ProxyFlags operator| (ProxyFlags lhs, ProxyFlags rhs)
ProxyFlags operator& (ProxyFlags lhs, ProxyFlags rhs)
ProxyFlags operator^ (ProxyFlags lhs, ProxyFlags rhs)
ProxyFlags operator~ (ProxyFlags flags)
ProxyFlagsoperator|= (ProxyFlags& lhs, ProxyFlags rhs)
ProxyFlagsoperator&= (ProxyFlags& lhs, ProxyFlags rhs)
ProxyFlagsoperator^= (ProxyFlags& lhs, ProxyFlags rhs)
Server::Flags operator| (Server::Flags lhs, Server::Flags rhs)
Server::Flags operator& (Server::Flags lhs, Server::Flags rhs)
Server::Flags operator^ (Server::Flags lhs, Server::Flags rhs)
Server::Flags operator~ (Server::Flags flags)
Server::Flagsoperator|= (Server::Flags& lhs, Server::Flags rhs)
Server::Flagsoperator&= (Server::Flags& lhs, Server::Flags rhs)
Server::Flagsoperator^= (Server::Flags& lhs, Server::Flags rhs)
std::string generate_guid ()
 Generate a D-Bus GUID that can be used with e.g. More...

bool is_guid (const std::string&string)
 Checks if string is a D-Bus GUID. More...

bool is_name (const Glib::ustring&string)
 Checks if string is a valid D-Bus bus name (either unique or well-known). More...

bool is_unique_name (const Glib::ustring&string)
 Checks if string is a valid D-Bus unique bus name. More...

bool is_member_name (const Glib::ustring&string)
 Checks if string is a valid D-Bus member (e.g. More...

bool is_interface_name (const Glib::ustring&string)
 Checks if string is a valid D-Bus interface name. More...

BusNameWatcherFlags operator| (BusNameWatcherFlags lhs, BusNameWatcherFlags rhs)
BusNameWatcherFlags operator& (BusNameWatcherFlags lhs, BusNameWatcherFlags rhs)
BusNameWatcherFlags operator^ (BusNameWatcherFlags lhs, BusNameWatcherFlags rhs)
BusNameWatcherFlags operator~ (BusNameWatcherFlags flags)
BusNameWatcherFlagsoperator|= (BusNameWatcherFlags& lhs, BusNameWatcherFlags rhs)
BusNameWatcherFlagsoperator&= (BusNameWatcherFlags& lhs, BusNameWatcherFlags rhs)
BusNameWatcherFlagsoperator^= (BusNameWatcherFlags& lhs, BusNameWatcherFlags rhs)
guint watch_name (BusType bus_type, const Glib::ustring& name, const SlotNameAppeared& name_appeared_slot=SlotNameAppeared(), const SlotNameVanished& name_vanished_slot=SlotNameVanished(), BusNameWatcherFlags flags=Gio::DBus::BusNameWatcherFlags::NONE)
 Starts watching name on the bus specified by bus_type and calls name_appeared_slot and name_vanished_slot when the name is known to have a owner respectively known to lose its owner. More...

guint watch_name (const Glib::RefPtr< Connection >& connection, const Glib::ustring& name, const SlotNameAppeared& name_appeared_slot=SlotNameAppeared(), const SlotNameVanished& name_vanished_slot=SlotNameVanished(), BusNameWatcherFlags flags=Gio::DBus::BusNameWatcherFlags::NONE)
 A watch_name() function that takes a Connection instead of a BusType. More...

void unwatch_name (guint watcher_id)
 Stops watching a name. More...


Function Documentation

void Gio::DBus::unown_name ( guint  owner_id)

Stops owning a name.

owner_idAn identifier obtained from own_name().