gtkmm: Gtk Namespace Reference

Copyright (C) 2012 The gtkmm Development Team. More...


namespace  AccelMap
namespace  Menu_Helpers
namespace  Stock


class  AboutDialog
 The AboutDialog offers a simple way to display information about a program like its logo, name, copyright, website and license. More...

class  AccelGroup
 A Gtk::AccelGroup represents a group of keyboard accelerators, typically attached to a toplevel Gtk::Window (with Gtk::Window::add_accel_group()). More...

class  AccelLabel
 A label which displays an accelerator key on the right of the text. More...

class  Action
 An action which can be triggered by a menu or toolbar item. More...

class  Actionable
 This interface provides a convenient way of associating widgets with actions on a ApplicationWindow or Application. More...

class  Activatable
 Activatable widgets can be connected to a Gtk::Action and reflect the state of the action. More...

class  Adjustment
 A class representing an adjustable bounded value. More...

class  Alignment
 A widget which controls the alignment and size of its child. More...

class  AppChooser
 This interface can be implemented by widgets which allow the user to choose an application (typically for the purpose of opening a file). More...

class  AppChooserButton
 A button to launch an application chooser dialog. More...

class  AppChooserDialog
 An application chooser dialog. More...

class  AppChooserWidget
 An application chooser widget that can be embedded in other widgets. More...

class  Application
 The Gtk::Application class handles many important aspects of a GTK+ application in a convenient fashion, without enforcing a one-size-fits-all application model. More...

class  ApplicationWindow
 A Gtk::Window subclass with Gtk::Application support. More...

class  Arrow
 Produces an arrow pointing in one of the four cardinal directions. More...

class  AspectFrame
 A frame that constrains its child to a particular aspect ratio. More...

class  Assistant
 A widget used to guide users through multi-step operations. More...

class  Bin
 A container with just one child. More...

class  Border
 This specifies a border around a rectangular area that can be of a different width on each side. More...

class  Box
 The Box widget organizes child widgets into a rectangular area. More...

class  Buildable
 A base class for objects that can be built by Gtk::Builder. More...

class  BuilderError
 Exception class for Gdk::Builder errors. More...

class  Builder
 Build an interface from a UI definition description. More...

class  Button
 A widget that creates a signal when clicked on. More...

class  ButtonBox
 A container for arranging buttons. More...

class  Calendar
 Display a calendar and/or allow the user to select a date. More...

class  CellArea
 An abstract base class for laying out CellRenderers. More...

class  CellAreaBox
 A cell area that renders CellRenderers into a row or a colum, depending on its orientation. More...

class  CellAreaContext
 This stores geometrical information for a series of rows in a CellArea. More...

class  CellEditable
 Interface for widgets which are used for editing cells. More...

class  CellLayout
 An interface for packing cells. More...

class  CellRenderer
 CellRenderers are used by Gtk::TreeView columns to render the Gtk::TreeModel column data appropriately. More...

class  CellRendererAccel
 Renders a keyboard accelerator in a cell. More...

class  CellRendererCombo
 Renders a combobox in a cell. More...

class  CellRendererPixbuf
 Renders a pixbuf in a cell. More...

class  CellRendererProgress
 Renders numbers as progress bars. More...

class  CellRendererSpin
 Renders a spin button in a cell. More...

class  CellRendererSpinner
 Renders a spinning animation in a cell. More...

class  CellRendererText
 Renders text in a cell. More...

class  CellRendererToggle
 Renders a toggle button in a cell. More...

class  CellView
 A widget displaying a single row of a TreeModel. More...

class  CheckButton
 Create widgets with a discrete toggle button. More...

class  CheckMenuItem
 A menu item that maintains the state of a boolean value in addition to a Gtk::MenuItem's usual role in activating application code. More...

class  Clipboard
 The Clipboard object represents a clipboard of data shared between different processes or between different widgets in the same process. More...

class  ColorButton
 A button to launch a color selection dialog. More...

class  ColorChooser
 This interface can be implemented by widgets which allow the user to choose a color. More...

class  ColorChooserDialog
 This dialog is for choosing a color. More...

class  ComboBox
 A widget used to choose from a list of items. More...

class  ComboBoxText
 This is a simple variant of ComboBox that hides the model-view complexity for simple text-only use cases. More...

class  Container
 Abstract container class. More...

class  CssProvider
 CSS-like styling for widgets, implementing the StyleProvider base class. More...

class  Dialog
 Create popup windows. More...

class  DrawingArea
 A widget for custom user interface elements. More...

class  Editable
 Base class for text-editing widgets. More...

class  Entry
 A single line text entry field. More...

class  EntryCompletion
 Completion functionality for Gtk::Entry. More...

class  EntryBuffer
 A Text buffer for the Entry widget. More...

class  IconSize
 Represents registered icon sizes. More...

class  EventBox
 Event capturing box. More...

class  Expander
 A container which can hide its child. More...

class  FileChooserError
 Exception class for Gdk::FileChooser errors. More...

class  FileChooser
 Gtk::FileChooser is an interface that can be implemented by file selection widgets. More...

class  FileChooserButton
 A button to launch a file chooser dialog. More...

class  FileChooserDialog
 Convenient file chooser window. More...

class  FileChooserWidget
 File chooser widget that can be embedded in other widgets. More...

class  FileFilter
 A filter for selecting a file subset. More...

class  Fixed
 A container which allows you to position widgets at fixed coordinates. More...

class  FontButton
 A button to launch a font selection dialog. More...

class  FontChooser
 An interface implemented by widgets displaying fonts. More...

class  FontChooserDialog
 A dialog box for selecting fonts. More...

class  FontChooserWidget
 A dialog box for selecting fonts. More...

class  Frame
 A Gtk::Bin with a decorative frame and optional label. More...

class  Grid
 A container which arranges its child widgets in rows and columns. More...

class  HeaderBar
 A box with a centered child. More...

class  VBox
 Vertical Box for laying widgets in a vertical row. More...

class  HBox
 Horizontal Box for laying widgets in a horizontal row. More...

class  IconInfo
class  IconThemeError
 Exception class for Gdk::IconTheme errors. More...

class  IconTheme
class  IconView
 The IconView provides an alternative view of a list model. More...

class  Image
 A widget displaying an image. More...

class  InfoBar
 This widget that can be used to show messages to the user without showing a dialog. More...

class  Invisible
 This widget is used internally in GTK+, and is probably not useful for application developers. More...

class  Label
 A widget that displays a small to medium amount of text. More...

class  Layout
 Infinite scrollable area containing child widgets and/or custom drawing. More...

class  LevelBar
 A bar that can used as a level indicator. More...

class  LinkButton
 Create buttons bound to a URL. More...

class  ListBox
 A ListBox is a vertical container that contains ListBoxRow children. More...

class  ListBoxRow
 See the description of ListBox. More...

class  ListStore
 Thist is a list model for use with a Gtk::TreeView widget. More...

class  Main
 Main application class. More...

class  Menu
 A drop-down menu consisting of Gtk::MenuItem objects which can be navigated and activated by the user to perform application functions. More...

class  MenuBar
 A standard menu bar which usually holds Gtk::Menu submenu items. More...

class  MenuButton
 A widget that shows a menu when clicked on. More...

class  MenuItem
 Child item for menus. More...

class  MenuShell
 The abstract base class for Gtk::Menu and Gtk::MenuBar. More...

class  MenuToolButton
 A Gtk::ToolItem containing a toggle button. More...

class  MessageDialog
 Convenient message window. More...

class  Misc
 A base class for widgets with alignments and padding. More...

class  Notebook
 Container which shows one of its children at a time, in tabbed windows. More...

class  NumerableIcon
 A Gio::Icon that allows numbered emblems. More...

class  OffscreenWindow
 A top-level container widget used to manage offscreen rendering of child widgets. More...

class  Orientable
 This interface is implemented by all widgets that can be oriented horizontally or vertically. More...

class  PageSetup
 A PageSetup object stores the page size, orientation and margins. More...

class  Paned
 A widget with two adjustable panes. More...

class  PaperSize
 PaperSize handles paper sizes. More...

class  PlacesSidebar
 Sidebar that displays frequently-used places in the file system. More...

class  PrintContext
 A PrintContext encapsulates context information that is required when drawing pages for printing, such as the cairo context and important parameters like page size and resolution. More...

class  PrintError
class  PrintOperation
 PrintOperation is the high-level, portable printing API. More...

class  PrintOperationPreview
class  PrintSettings
 A PrintSettings object represents the settings of a print dialog in a system-independent way. More...

class  ProgressBar
 A widget which indicates progress visually. More...

class  RadioButton
 A single radio button performs the same basic function as a Gtk::CheckButton, as its position in the object hierarchy reflects. More...

class  RadioMenuItem
 A CheckMenuItem that belongs to a group. More...

class  RadioToolButton
 A toolbar item that contains a radio button. More...

class  Range
 Base class for widgets which visualize an adjustment. More...

class  RecentChooserError
 Exception class for Gtk::RecentChooser errors. More...

class  RecentChooser
 RecentChooser is an interface that can be implemented by widgets displaying the list of recently used files. More...

class  RecentChooserDialog
 RecentChooserDialog is a dialog box suitable for displaying the recently used documents. More...

class  RecentChooserMenu
 RecentChooserMenu is a widget suitable for displaying recently used files inside a menu. More...

class  RecentChooserWidget
 RecentChooserWidget is a widget suitable for selecting recently used files. More...

class  RecentFilter
 RecentFilter can be used to restrict the files being shown in a RecentChooser. More...

class  RecentInfo
 Contains information found when looking up an entry of the recently used files list. More...

class  RecentManagerError
 Exception class for Gtk::RecentManager errors. More...

class  RecentManager
 RecentManager provides a facility for adding, removing and looking up recently used files. More...

class  Revealer
 Hide and show with animation. More...

class  Scale
 A slider widget for selecting a value from a range. More...

class  ScaleButton
 A button which pops up a scale widget. More...

class  Scrollable
 This interface is implemented by widgets with native scrolling ability. More...

class  Scrollbar
 A Scrollbar. More...

class  ScrolledWindow
 Adds scrollbars to its child widget. More...

class  SearchBar
 A toolbar to integrate a search entry with. More...

class  SearchEntry
 This is a subclass of Gtk::Entry that has been tailored for use as a search entry. More...

class  SelectionData
class  Separator
 A separator widget. More...

class  SeparatorMenuItem
 A separator used to group items within a menu. More...

class  SeparatorToolItem
 A toolbar item that separates groups of other toolbar items. More...

class  Settings
 Sharing settings between applications. More...

class  SizeGroup
 Gtk::SizeGroup provides a mechanism for grouping a number of widgets together so they all request the same amount of space. More...

class  SpinButton
 numeric Entry with up/down buttons Slightly misnamed, this should be called a SpinEntry. More...

class  Spinner
 A widget that displays a spinner animation. More...

class  Stack
 A container that shows only one child at a time. More...

class  StackSwitcher
 A controller for a Gtk::Stack. More...

class  Statusbar
 Text status indicator This widget is used to display status information. More...

class  StatusIcon
 The "system tray" or notification area is normally used for transient icons that indicate some special state. More...

class  StyleContext
 This object stores styling information affecting a widget defined by WidgetPath. More...

class  StyleProvider
 This is a base class used to provide style information to a StyleContext. More...

class  Switch
 A "light switch"-style toggle. More...

class  TargetList
class  TextAttributes
class  TextBuffer
 Multi-line attributed text that can be displayed by one or more Gtk::TextView widgets. More...

class  TextChildAnchor
 A TextChildAnchor is a spot in the buffer where child widgets can be "anchored" (inserted inline, as if they were characters). More...

class  TextIter
 Typefed as Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator. More...

class  TextMark
 Typedefed as Gtk::TextBuffer::Mark. More...

class  TextTag
 Typedefed as Gtk::TextBuffer::Tag. More...

class  TextTagTable
 Typedefed as Gtk::TextBuffer::TagTable. More...

class  TextView
 Multi-line text editing widget. More...

class  ToggleButton
 A Gtk::ToggleButton will remain 'pressed-in' when clicked. More...

class  ToggleToolButton
 A Gtk::ToolItem containing a toggle button. More...

class  Toolbar
 Bars of buttons and other widgets. More...

class  ToolButton
 A Gtk::ToolItem subclass that displays buttons. More...

class  ToolItem
class  ToolItemGroup
 A ToolItemGroup is used together with ToolPalette to add ToolItems to a palette-like container with different categories and drag and drop support. More...

class  ToolPalette
 A ToolPalette allows you to add ToolItems to a palette-like container with various categories and drag and drop support. More...

class  ToolShell
 A base class for containers containing ToolItem widgets. More...

class  Tooltip
 Add tips to your widgets. More...

class  TreeDragDest
class  TreeDragSource
class  TreeIterBase
class  TreeIter
 A Gtk::TreeModel::iterator is a reference to a specific node on a specific model. More...

class  TreeValueProxy
class  TreeRow
 Typedefed as TreeModel::Row. More...

class  TreeNodeChildren
 typedefed as TreeModel::Children. More...

class  TreeModel
 This class defines a generic tree interface for use by the Gtk::TreeView widget. More...

class  TreeModelFilter
class  TreeModelSort
 A wrapper which makes an underlying Gtk::TreeModel sortable. More...

class  TreePath
 A path is essentially a potential node. More...

class  TreeRowReference
 Typedefed as Gtk::TreeModel::RowReference. More...

class  TreeSelection
 Typedefed as Gtk::TreeView::Selection. More...

class  TreeSortable
class  TreeStore
class  TreeView
 The TreeView widget displays the model (Gtk::TreeModel) data and allows the user to interact with it. More...

class  TreeViewColumn
 Typedefed as Gtk::TreeView::Column. More...

class  Viewport
 An adapter which makes widgets scrollable. More...

class  VolumeButton
 A button which pops up a volume control. More...

class  Widget
 Abstract Widget (Base class for all widgets) More...

class  WidgetPath
 This represents a widget hierarchy from the topmost widget, typically a toplevel, to any child. More...

class  WindowGroup
 Limit the effect of grabs. More...

class  Window
 Toplevel Window This represents all widgets which are physical windows controlled by the window manager. More...

class  PageSetupUnixDialog
 PageSetupUnixDialog implements a page setup dialog for platforms which don't provide a native page setup dialog, like Unix. More...

class  Printer
 A Printer object represents a printer. More...

class  PrintJob
 A PrintJob object represents a job that is sent to a printer. More...

class  PrintUnixDialog
 PrintUnixDialog implements a print dialog for platforms which don't provide a native print dialog, like Unix. More...

class  Plug
 Toplevel for embedding into other processes. More...

class  Socket
 Container for widgets from other processes. More...

class  ActionGroup
class  ColorSelection
 A widget used to select a color. More...

class  ColorSelectionDialog
 This dialog allows the user to select a color. More...

class  FontSelection
 A widget for selecting fonts. More...

class  FontSelectionDialog
 A dialog box for selecting fonts. More...

class  HandleBox
 A widget for detachable window portions. More...

class  VButtonBox
 A container for arranging buttons vertically. More...

class  HButtonBox
 A container for arranging buttons horizontally. More...

class  HPaned
 The Gtk::HPaned widget is a container widget with two children arranged horizontally. More...

class  VPaned
 The Gtk::VPaned widget is a container widget with two children arranged vertically. More...

class  VScale
 A vertical slider for selecting values. More...

class  HScale
 A horizontal slider for selecting values. More...

class  VScrollbar
 A vertical scrollbar. More...

class  HScrollbar
 A horizontal scrollbar. More...

class  VSeparator
 Vertical line widget. More...

class  HSeparator
 Horizontal line widget. More...

class  IconFactory
class  IconSet
 This manages a set of variants of a particular icon An IconSet contains variants for different sizes and widget states. More...

class  IconSource
class  ImageMenuItem
 A menu item with an icon. More...

class  RadioAction
 An action of which only one in a group can be active. More...

class  RecentAction
 An action of which represents a list of recently used files. More...

class  StockItem
class  Table
 Pack widgets in regular patterns. More...

class  TearoffMenuItem
 A special Gtk::MenuItem which is used to tear off and reattach its menu. More...

class  ToggleAction
 An action which can be toggled between two states. More...

class  UIManager
 Constructing menus and toolbars from an XML description. More...

class  AccelKey
 Defines accelerator key combinations. More...

class  ListViewText
 A simple listbox which presents some lines of information in columns and lets the user select some of them. More...

class  Object
 Gtk::Object is the base class for all widgets, and for a few non-widget objects such as Gtk::Adjustment. More...

class  RadioButtonGroup
 RadioButtonGroup identifier for RadioButtons To set up this RadioButtonGroup, construct a RadioButtonGroup and then pass it to the constructor of all radio items. More...

class  TargetEntry
class  TreeModelColumnRecord
 Typedefed as TreeModel::ColumnRecord. More...

class  TreeModelColumnBase
 Base class of TreeModelColumn templates. More...

class  TreeModelColumn
 A Gtk::TreeModelColumn describes the C++ type of the data in a model column, and identifies that column in the model. More...

struct  BuiltinStockID
 See the list of pre-defined stock items, in the Stock namespace. More...

class  StockID
 See also Gtk::BuiltinStockID. More...



typedef sigc::slot< void,

const Glib::RefPtr< PageSetup >& > 
 For example, void on_setup_done(const Glib::RefPtr<PageSetup>& page_setup);. More...

typedef GtkRequisition Requisition
typedef Gdk::Rectangle Allocation


enum  License {










 The type of license for an application. More...

enum  ApplicationInhibitFlags {





 Types of user actions that may be blocked by Gtk::Application::inhibit(). More...

enum  AssistantPageType {







 An enum for determining the page role inside the Gtk::Assistant. More...

enum  PackOptions {




 Packing options for adding child widgets to a Box with pack_start() and pack_end(). More...

enum  CalendarDisplayOptions {






 These options can be used to influence the display and behaviour of a Gtk::Calendar. More...

enum  CellRendererState {








 Tells how a cell is to be rendered. More...

enum  CellRendererMode {




 Identifies how the user can interact with a particular cell. More...

enum  CellRendererAccelMode {



enum  ResponseType {












 Predefined values for use as response ids in Gtk::Dialog::add_button(). More...

enum  EntryIconPosition {



 Specifies the side of the entry at which an icon is placed. More...

enum  AccelFlags {

  ACCEL_VISIBLE = 1 << 0,

  ACCEL_LOCKED = 1 << 1,

  ACCEL_MASK = 0x07

enum  Align {






 Controls how a widget deals with extra space in a single (x or y) dimension. More...

enum  ArrowType {






 Used to indicate the direction in which a Gtk::Arrow should point. More...

enum  AttachOptions {

  EXPAND = 1 << 0,

  SHRINK = 1 << 1,

  FILL = 1 << 2

 Denotes the expansion properties that a widget will have when it (or its parent) is resized. More...

enum  ButtonBoxStyle {






 Used to dictate the style that a Gtk::ButtonBox uses to layout the buttons it contains. More...

enum  DeleteType {









enum  DirectionType {







enum  ExpanderStyle {





 Used to specify the style of the expanders drawn by a Gtk::TreeView. More...

enum  BuiltinIconSize {








enum  TextDirection {




enum  Justification {





 Used for justifying the text inside a Gtk::Label widget. More...

enum  MenuDirectionType {





 An enumeration representing directional movements within a menu. More...

enum  MessageType {






enum  MovementStep {











enum  Orientation {



 Represents the orientation of widgets which can be switched between horizontal and vertical orientation on the fly, like Gtk::Toolbar. More...

enum  CornerType {





 Specifies which corner a child widget should be placed in when packed into a Gtk::ScrolledWindow. More...

enum  PackType {



 Represents the packing location Gtk::Box children. More...

enum  PathPriorityType {





  PATH_PRIO_RC = 12,


enum  PathType {




enum  PlacesOpenFlags {




 These flags serve two purposes. More...

enum  PolicyType {




 Determines when a scroll bar will be visible. More...

enum  PositionType {





 Describes which edge of a widget a certain feature is positioned at, e.g. More...

enum  ReliefStyle {




 Indicated the relief to be drawn around a Gtk::Button. More...

enum  ResizeMode {




enum  RevealerTransitionType {







 These enumeration values describe the possible transitions when the child of a Gtk::Revealer widget is shown or hidden. More...

enum  ScrollType {

















enum  SelectionMode {





 Used to control what selections users are allowed to make. More...

enum  ShadowType {






 Used to change the appearance of an outline typically provided by a Gtk::Frame. More...

enum  StackTransitionType {









 These enumeration values describe the possible transitions between pages in a Gtk::Stack widget. More...

enum  StateType {








enum  TargetFlags {

  TARGET_SAME_APP = 1 << 0,


  TARGET_OTHER_APP = 1 << 2,


 The Gtk::TargetFlags enumeration is used to specify constraints on an entry in a Gtk::TargetTable. More...

enum  ToolbarStyle {





 Used to customize the appearance of a Gtk::Toolbar. More...

enum  WindowPosition {






 Window placement can be influenced using this enumeration. More...

enum  WindowType {



enum  WrapMode {





enum  SortType {



 Determines the direction of a sort. More...

enum  PageOrientation {





enum  SensitivityType {




 Determines how GTK+ handles the sensitivity of stepper arrows at the end of range widgets. More...

enum  SizeRequestMode {




 Specifies a preference for height-for-width or width-for-height geometry management. More...

enum  RegionFlags {

  REGION_EVEN = 1 << 0,

  REGION_ODD = 1 << 1,

  REGION_FIRST = 1 << 2,

  REGION_LAST = 1 << 3,

  REGION_ONLY = 1 << 4,

  REGION_SORTED = 1 << 5

 Describes a region within a widget. More...

enum  JunctionSides {










 Describes how a rendered element connects to adjacent elements. More...

enum  StateFlags {









  STATE_FLAG_DIR_LTR = 1 << 7,


 Describes a widget state. More...

enum  InputPurpose {











 Describes primary purpose of the input widget. More...

enum  InputHints {










 Describes hints that might be taken into account by input methods or applications. More...

enum  BaselinePosition {




 Whenever a container has some form of natural row it may align children in that row along a common typographical baseline. More...

enum  FileChooserAction {





 Describes whether a Gtk::FileChooser is being used to open existing files or to save to a possibly new file. More...

enum  FileChooserConfirmation {




 Used as a return value of handlers for the Gtk::FileChooser::signal_confirm_overwrite() signal of a Gtk::FileChooser. More...

enum  FileFilterFlags {


  FILE_FILTER_URI = 1 << 1,



 These flags indicate what parts of a Gtk::FileFilterInfo struct are filled or need to be filled. More...

enum  IconLookupFlags {

  ICON_LOOKUP_NO_SVG = 1 << 0,





 Used to specify options for Gtk::IconTheme::lookup_icon() More...

enum  IconViewDropPosition {







 An enum for determining where a dropped item goes. More...

enum  ImageType {









 Describes the image data representation used by a Gtk::Image. More...

enum  LevelBarMode {



 Describes how Gtk::LevelBar contents should be rendered. More...

enum  PackDirection {





 Determines how widgets should be packed inside menubars and menuitems contained in menubars. More...

enum  ButtonsType {







 Prebuilt sets of buttons for the dialog. More...

enum  NotebookTab {



enum  Unit {





enum  PrintStatus {










 The status gives a rough indication of the completion of a running print operation. More...

enum  PrintOperationResult {





 A value of this type is returned by Gtk::PrintOperation::run(). More...

enum  PrintOperationAction {





 The action parameter to Gtk::PrintOperation::run() determines what action the print operation should perform. More...

enum  PrintDuplex {




enum  PrintQuality {





enum  PrintPages {





enum  PageSet {




enum  NumberUpLayout {









 Used to determine the layout of pages on a sheet when printing multiple pages per sheet. More...

enum  RecentSortType {





 Used to specify the sorting method to be applyed to the recently used resource list. More...

enum  RecentFilterFlags {







 These flags indicate what parts of a Gtk::RecentFilterInfo struct are filled or need to be filled. More...

enum  ScrollablePolicy {



 Defines the policy to be used in a scrollable widget when updating the scrolled window adjustments in a given orientation. More...

enum  IMPreeditStyle {




enum  IMStatusStyle {




enum  SizeGroupMode {





 The mode of the size group determines the directions in which the size group affects the requested sizes of its component widgets. More...

enum  SpinButtonUpdatePolicy {



 The spin button update policy determines whether the spin button displays values even if they are outside the bounds of its adjustment. More...

enum  SpinType {








 The values of the GtkSpinType enumeration are used to specify the change to make in Gtk::SpinButton::spin(). More...

enum  { INPUT_ERROR = -1 }
enum  TextSearchFlags {




 Flags affecting how a search is done. More...

enum  TextWindowType {








enum  ToolPaletteDragTargets {



 Flags used to specify the supported drag targets. More...

enum  TreeModelFlags {



 These flags indicate various properties of a Gtk::TreeModel. More...

enum  TreeViewDropPosition {





 An enum for determining where a dropped row goes. More...

enum  TreeViewGridLines {





 Used to indicate which grid lines to draw in a tree view. More...

enum  TreeViewColumnSizing {




 The sizing method the column uses to determine its width. More...

enum  DestDefaults {





 The Gtk::DestDefaults enumeration specifies the various types of action that will be taken on behalf of the user for a drag destination site. More...

enum  WidgetHelpType {



enum  DragResult {







 Gives an indication why a drag operation failed. More...

enum  PrintCapabilities {











 An enum for specifying which features the print dialog should offer. More...

enum  UIManagerItemType {



  UI_MANAGER_MENU = 1 << 1,



  UI_MANAGER_POPUP = 1 << 4,






 These enumeration values are used by gtk_ui_manager_add_ui() to determine what UI element to create. More...



ApplicationInhibitFlags operator| (ApplicationInhibitFlags lhs, ApplicationInhibitFlags rhs)
ApplicationInhibitFlags operator& (ApplicationInhibitFlags lhs, ApplicationInhibitFlags rhs)
ApplicationInhibitFlags operator^ (ApplicationInhibitFlags lhs, ApplicationInhibitFlags rhs)
ApplicationInhibitFlags operator~ (ApplicationInhibitFlags flags)
ApplicationInhibitFlagsoperator|= (ApplicationInhibitFlags& lhs, ApplicationInhibitFlags rhs)
ApplicationInhibitFlagsoperator&= (ApplicationInhibitFlags& lhs, ApplicationInhibitFlags rhs)
ApplicationInhibitFlagsoperator^= (ApplicationInhibitFlags& lhs, ApplicationInhibitFlags rhs)
CalendarDisplayOptions operator| (CalendarDisplayOptions lhs, CalendarDisplayOptions rhs)
CalendarDisplayOptions operator& (CalendarDisplayOptions lhs, CalendarDisplayOptions rhs)
CalendarDisplayOptions operator^ (CalendarDisplayOptions lhs, CalendarDisplayOptions rhs)
CalendarDisplayOptions operator~ (CalendarDisplayOptions flags)
CalendarDisplayOptionsoperator|= (CalendarDisplayOptions& lhs, CalendarDisplayOptions rhs)
CalendarDisplayOptionsoperator&= (CalendarDisplayOptions& lhs, CalendarDisplayOptions rhs)
CalendarDisplayOptionsoperator^= (CalendarDisplayOptions& lhs, CalendarDisplayOptions rhs)
CellRendererState operator| (CellRendererState lhs, CellRendererState rhs)
CellRendererState operator& (CellRendererState lhs, CellRendererState rhs)
CellRendererState operator^ (CellRendererState lhs, CellRendererState rhs)
CellRendererState operator~ (CellRendererState flags)
CellRendererStateoperator|= (CellRendererState& lhs, CellRendererState rhs)
CellRendererStateoperator&= (CellRendererState& lhs, CellRendererState rhs)
CellRendererStateoperator^= (CellRendererState& lhs, CellRendererState rhs)
AccelFlags operator| (AccelFlags lhs, AccelFlags rhs)
AccelFlags operator& (AccelFlags lhs, AccelFlags rhs)
AccelFlags operator^ (AccelFlags lhs, AccelFlags rhs)
AccelFlags operator~ (AccelFlags flags)
AccelFlagsoperator|= (AccelFlags& lhs, AccelFlags rhs)
AccelFlagsoperator&= (AccelFlags& lhs, AccelFlags rhs)
AccelFlagsoperator^= (AccelFlags& lhs, AccelFlags rhs)
AttachOptions operator| (AttachOptions lhs, AttachOptions rhs)
AttachOptions operator& (AttachOptions lhs, AttachOptions rhs)
AttachOptions operator^ (AttachOptions lhs, AttachOptions rhs)
AttachOptions operator~ (AttachOptions flags)
AttachOptionsoperator|= (AttachOptions& lhs, AttachOptions rhs)
AttachOptionsoperator&= (AttachOptions& lhs, AttachOptions rhs)
AttachOptionsoperator^= (AttachOptions& lhs, AttachOptions rhs)
PlacesOpenFlags operator| (PlacesOpenFlags lhs, PlacesOpenFlags rhs)
PlacesOpenFlags operator& (PlacesOpenFlags lhs, PlacesOpenFlags rhs)
PlacesOpenFlags operator^ (PlacesOpenFlags lhs, PlacesOpenFlags rhs)
PlacesOpenFlags operator~ (PlacesOpenFlags flags)
PlacesOpenFlagsoperator|= (PlacesOpenFlags& lhs, PlacesOpenFlags rhs)
PlacesOpenFlagsoperator&= (PlacesOpenFlags& lhs, PlacesOpenFlags rhs)
PlacesOpenFlagsoperator^= (PlacesOpenFlags& lhs, PlacesOpenFlags rhs)
TargetFlags operator| (TargetFlags lhs, TargetFlags rhs)
TargetFlags operator& (TargetFlags lhs, TargetFlags rhs)
TargetFlags operator^ (TargetFlags lhs, TargetFlags rhs)
TargetFlags operator~ (TargetFlags flags)
TargetFlagsoperator|= (TargetFlags& lhs, TargetFlags rhs)
TargetFlagsoperator&= (TargetFlags& lhs, TargetFlags rhs)
TargetFlagsoperator^= (TargetFlags& lhs, TargetFlags rhs)
RegionFlags operator| (RegionFlags lhs, RegionFlags rhs)
RegionFlags operator& (RegionFlags lhs, RegionFlags rhs)
RegionFlags operator^ (RegionFlags lhs, RegionFlags rhs)
RegionFlags operator~ (RegionFlags flags)
RegionFlagsoperator|= (RegionFlags& lhs, RegionFlags rhs)
RegionFlagsoperator&= (RegionFlags& lhs, RegionFlags rhs)
RegionFlagsoperator^= (RegionFlags& lhs, RegionFlags rhs)
JunctionSides operator| (JunctionSides lhs, JunctionSides rhs)
JunctionSides operator& (JunctionSides lhs, JunctionSides rhs)
JunctionSides operator^ (JunctionSides lhs, JunctionSides rhs)
JunctionSides operator~ (JunctionSides flags)
JunctionSidesoperator|= (JunctionSides& lhs, JunctionSides rhs)
JunctionSidesoperator&= (JunctionSides& lhs, JunctionSides rhs)
JunctionSidesoperator^= (JunctionSides& lhs, JunctionSides rhs)
StateFlags operator| (StateFlags lhs, StateFlags rhs)
StateFlags operator& (StateFlags lhs, StateFlags rhs)
StateFlags operator^ (StateFlags lhs, StateFlags rhs)
StateFlags operator~ (StateFlags flags)
StateFlagsoperator|= (StateFlags& lhs, StateFlags rhs)
StateFlagsoperator&= (StateFlags& lhs, StateFlags rhs)
StateFlagsoperator^= (StateFlags& lhs, StateFlags rhs)
InputHints operator| (InputHints lhs, InputHints rhs)
InputHints operator& (InputHints lhs, InputHints rhs)
InputHints operator^ (InputHints lhs, InputHints rhs)
InputHints operator~ (InputHints flags)
InputHintsoperator|= (InputHints& lhs, InputHints rhs)
InputHintsoperator&= (InputHints& lhs, InputHints rhs)
InputHintsoperator^= (InputHints& lhs, InputHints rhs)
FileFilterFlags operator| (FileFilterFlags lhs, FileFilterFlags rhs)
FileFilterFlags operator& (FileFilterFlags lhs, FileFilterFlags rhs)
FileFilterFlags operator^ (FileFilterFlags lhs, FileFilterFlags rhs)
FileFilterFlags operator~ (FileFilterFlags flags)
FileFilterFlagsoperator|= (FileFilterFlags& lhs, FileFilterFlags rhs)
FileFilterFlagsoperator&= (FileFilterFlags& lhs, FileFilterFlags rhs)
FileFilterFlagsoperator^= (FileFilterFlags& lhs, FileFilterFlags rhs)
IconLookupFlags operator| (IconLookupFlags lhs, IconLookupFlags rhs)
IconLookupFlags operator& (IconLookupFlags lhs, IconLookupFlags rhs)
IconLookupFlags operator^ (IconLookupFlags lhs, IconLookupFlags rhs)
IconLookupFlags operator~ (IconLookupFlags flags)
IconLookupFlagsoperator|= (IconLookupFlags& lhs, IconLookupFlags rhs)
IconLookupFlagsoperator&= (IconLookupFlags& lhs, IconLookupFlags rhs)
IconLookupFlagsoperator^= (IconLookupFlags& lhs, IconLookupFlags rhs)
Glib::RefPtr< PageSetuprun_page_setup_dialog (Window& parent, const Glib::RefPtr< const PageSetup >& page_setup, const Glib::RefPtr< const PrintSettings >& print_settings)
 Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from page_setup. More...

Glib::RefPtr< PageSetuprun_page_setup_dialog (Window& parent, const Glib::RefPtr< const PrintSettings >& print_settings)
 Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from page_setup. More...

void run_page_setup_dialog_async (Window& parent, const Glib::RefPtr< const PageSetup >& page_setup, const Glib::RefPtr< const PrintSettings >& print_settings, const SlotPrintSetupDone& slot)
 Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from page_setup. More...

void run_page_setup_dialog_async (Window& parent, const Glib::RefPtr< const PrintSettings >& print_settings, const SlotPrintSetupDone& slot)
 Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from page_setup. More...

RecentFilterFlags operator| (RecentFilterFlags lhs, RecentFilterFlags rhs)
RecentFilterFlags operator& (RecentFilterFlags lhs, RecentFilterFlags rhs)
RecentFilterFlags operator^ (RecentFilterFlags lhs, RecentFilterFlags rhs)
RecentFilterFlags operator~ (RecentFilterFlags flags)
RecentFilterFlagsoperator|= (RecentFilterFlags& lhs, RecentFilterFlags rhs)
RecentFilterFlagsoperator&= (RecentFilterFlags& lhs, RecentFilterFlags rhs)
RecentFilterFlagsoperator^= (RecentFilterFlags& lhs, RecentFilterFlags rhs)
TextSearchFlags operator| (TextSearchFlags lhs, TextSearchFlags rhs)
TextSearchFlags operator& (TextSearchFlags lhs, TextSearchFlags rhs)
TextSearchFlags operator^ (TextSearchFlags lhs, TextSearchFlags rhs)
TextSearchFlags operator~ (TextSearchFlags flags)
TextSearchFlagsoperator|= (TextSearchFlags& lhs, TextSearchFlags rhs)
TextSearchFlagsoperator&= (TextSearchFlags& lhs, TextSearchFlags rhs)
TextSearchFlagsoperator^= (TextSearchFlags& lhs, TextSearchFlags rhs)
ToolPaletteDragTargets operator| (ToolPaletteDragTargets lhs, ToolPaletteDragTargets rhs)
ToolPaletteDragTargets operator& (ToolPaletteDragTargets lhs, ToolPaletteDragTargets rhs)
ToolPaletteDragTargets operator^ (ToolPaletteDragTargets lhs, ToolPaletteDragTargets rhs)
ToolPaletteDragTargets operator~ (ToolPaletteDragTargets flags)
ToolPaletteDragTargetsoperator|= (ToolPaletteDragTargets& lhs, ToolPaletteDragTargets rhs)
ToolPaletteDragTargetsoperator&= (ToolPaletteDragTargets& lhs, ToolPaletteDragTargets rhs)
ToolPaletteDragTargetsoperator^= (ToolPaletteDragTargets& lhs, ToolPaletteDragTargets rhs)
TreeModelFlags operator| (TreeModelFlags lhs, TreeModelFlags rhs)
TreeModelFlags operator& (TreeModelFlags lhs, TreeModelFlags rhs)
TreeModelFlags operator^ (TreeModelFlags lhs, TreeModelFlags rhs)
TreeModelFlags operator~ (TreeModelFlags flags)
TreeModelFlagsoperator|= (TreeModelFlags& lhs, TreeModelFlags rhs)
TreeModelFlagsoperator&= (TreeModelFlags& lhs, TreeModelFlags rhs)
TreeModelFlagsoperator^= (TreeModelFlags& lhs, TreeModelFlags rhs)
DestDefaults operator| (DestDefaults lhs, DestDefaults rhs)
DestDefaults operator& (DestDefaults lhs, DestDefaults rhs)
DestDefaults operator^ (DestDefaults lhs, DestDefaults rhs)
DestDefaults operator~ (DestDefaults flags)
DestDefaultsoperator|= (DestDefaults& lhs, DestDefaults rhs)
DestDefaultsoperator&= (DestDefaults& lhs, DestDefaults rhs)
DestDefaultsoperator^= (DestDefaults& lhs, DestDefaults rhs)
PrintCapabilities operator| (PrintCapabilities lhs, PrintCapabilities rhs)
PrintCapabilities operator& (PrintCapabilities lhs, PrintCapabilities rhs)
PrintCapabilities operator^ (PrintCapabilities lhs, PrintCapabilities rhs)
PrintCapabilities operator~ (PrintCapabilities flags)
PrintCapabilitiesoperator|= (PrintCapabilities& lhs, PrintCapabilities rhs)
PrintCapabilitiesoperator&= (PrintCapabilities& lhs, PrintCapabilities rhs)
PrintCapabilitiesoperator^= (PrintCapabilities& lhs, PrintCapabilities rhs)
UIManagerItemType operator| (UIManagerItemType lhs, UIManagerItemType rhs)
UIManagerItemType operator& (UIManagerItemType lhs, UIManagerItemType rhs)
UIManagerItemType operator^ (UIManagerItemType lhs, UIManagerItemType rhs)
UIManagerItemType operator~ (UIManagerItemType flags)
UIManagerItemTypeoperator|= (UIManagerItemType& lhs, UIManagerItemType rhs)
UIManagerItemTypeoperator&= (UIManagerItemType& lhs, UIManagerItemType rhs)
UIManagerItemTypeoperator^= (UIManagerItemType& lhs, UIManagerItemType rhs)
template<class T >
T* manage (T* obj)
 Mark a Gtk::Object as owned by its parent container widget, so you don't need to delete it manually. More...



const Glib::ustring PAPER_NAME_A3 = "iso_a3"
 Common paper names, from PWG 5101.1-2002 PWG: Standard for Media Standardized Names. More...

const Glib::ustring PAPER_NAME_A4 = "iso_a4"
const Glib::ustring PAPER_NAME_A5 = "iso_a5"
const Glib::ustring PAPER_NAME_B5 = "iso_b5"
const Glib::ustring PAPER_NAME_LETTER = "na_letter"
const Glib::ustring PAPER_NAME_EXECUTIVE = "na_executive"
const Glib::ustring PAPER_NAME_LEGAL = "na_legal"

Detailed Description

Copyright (C) 2012 The gtkmm Development Team.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

Typedef Documentation

typedef GtkRequisition Gtk::Requisition

For example, void on_setup_done(const Glib::RefPtr<PageSetup>& page_setup);.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Informational message.


Non-fatal warning message.


Question requiring a choice.


Fatal error message.


None of the above, doesn't get an icon.


State during normal operation.


State of a currently active widget, such as a depressed button.


State indicating that the mouse pointer is overthe widget and the widget will respond to mouse clicks.


State of a selected item, such the selected row in a list.


State indicating that the widget isunresponsive to user actions.


The widget is inconsistent, such as checkbuttonsor radiobuttons that aren't either set to true nor false,or buttons requiring the user attention.


The widget has the keyboard focus.


A regular window, such as a dialog.


A special window such as a tooltip.


do not wrap lines; just make the text area wider.


wrap text, breaking lines anywhere the cursor canappear (between characters, usually - if you want to be technical,between graphemes, see pango_get_log_attrs()).


wrap text, breaking lines in between words.


wrap text, breaking lines in between words, or ifthat is not enough, also between graphemes.

Function Documentation

template <class T >
T* Gtk::manage ( T *  obj)

Mark a Gtk::Object as owned by its parent container widget, so you don't need to delete it manually.

For instance,

Gtk::Button* button = Gtk::manage( new Gtk::Button("Hello") );
vbox.pack_start(*button); //vbox will delete button when vbox is deleted.
objA Gtk::Object, such as a gtkmm widget.
The Gtk::Object passed as the obj parameter.
Glib::RefPtr<PageSetup> Gtk::run_page_setup_dialog ( Window &  parent,
const Glib::RefPtr< const PageSetup > &  page_setup,
const Glib::RefPtr< const PrintSettings > &  print_settings 

Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from page_setup.

If the user cancels the dialog, the returned PageSetup is identical to that passed in page_setup, otherwise it contains the modifications done in the dialog.

Note that this function may use a recursive mainloop to show the page setup dialog. See run_page_setup_dialog_async() if this is a problem.

parentTransient parent.
page_setupAn existing GtkPageSetup.
print_settingsPrint settings.
A new PageSetup object.
Glib::RefPtr<PageSetup> Gtk::run_page_setup_dialog ( Window &  parent,
const Glib::RefPtr< const PrintSettings > &  print_settings 

Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from page_setup.

If the user cancels the dialog, the returned PageSetup is identical to that passed in page_setup, otherwise it contains the modifications done in the dialog.

Note that this function may use a recursive mainloop to show the page setup dialog. See run_page_setup_dialog_async() if this is a problem.

parentTransient parent.
print_settingsPrint settings.
A new PageSetup object.
void Gtk::run_page_setup_dialog_async ( Window &  parent,
const Glib::RefPtr< const PageSetup > &  page_setup,
const Glib::RefPtr< const PrintSettings > &  print_settings,
const SlotPrintSetupDone &  slot 

Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from page_setup.

In contrast to run_page_setup_dialog(), this function returns after showing the page setup dialog on platforms that support this, and calls the slot from a signal handler for the ::response signal of the dialog.

parentTransient parent.
page_setupAn existing GtkPageSetup.
print_settingsPrint settings.
A new PageSetup object.
void Gtk::run_page_setup_dialog_async ( Window &  parent,
const Glib::RefPtr< const PrintSettings > &  print_settings,
const SlotPrintSetupDone &  slot 

Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from page_setup.

In contrast to run_page_setup_dialog(), this function returns after showing the page setup dialog on platforms that support this, and calls the slot from a signal handler for the ::response signal of the dialog.

parentTransient parent.
print_settingsPrint settings.
A new PageSetup object.

Variable Documentation

const Glib::ustring Gtk::PAPER_NAME_A3 = "iso_a3"

Common paper names, from PWG 5101.1-2002 PWG: Standard for Media Standardized Names.

const Glib::ustring Gtk::PAPER_NAME_A4 = "iso_a4"
const Glib::ustring Gtk::PAPER_NAME_A5 = "iso_a5"
const Glib::ustring Gtk::PAPER_NAME_B5 = "iso_b5"
const Glib::ustring Gtk::PAPER_NAME_EXECUTIVE = "na_executive"
const Glib::ustring Gtk::PAPER_NAME_LEGAL = "na_legal"
const Glib::ustring Gtk::PAPER_NAME_LETTER = "na_letter"