gtkmm: Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Gdk::ColorGdk::Color is used to describe an allocated or unallocated color
Gdk::CursorThis represents a cursor
Gdk::DeviceA Gdk::Device instance contains a detailed description of an extended input device
Gdk::DeviceManagerFunctions for handling input devices
Gdk::DisplayGdk::Display object's purpose is two fold: To grab/ungrab keyboard focus and mouse pointer To manage and provide information about the Gdk::Screen(s) available for this Gdk::Display
Gdk::DisplayManagerThe purpose of the GdkDisplayManager singleton object is to offer notification when displays appear or disappear or the default display changes
Gdk::DragContextA Gdk::DragContext holds information about a drag in progress
Gdk::PixbufAnimationThe gdk-pixbuf library provides a simple mechanism to load and represent animations
Gdk::PixbufAnimationIterAn iterator which points to a certain position in a PixbufAnimation
Gdk::PixbufErrorException class for Gdk::Pixbuf errors
Gdk::PointThis is a simple structure containing an x and y coordinate of a point
Gdk::RectangleGdk::Rectangle is a structure holding the position and size of a rectangle
Gdk::RGBAAn RGBA Color
Gdk::ScreenObject representing a physical screen Gdk::Screen objects are the GDK representation of a physical screen
Gdk::TimeCoordA Gdk::TimeCoord instance contains a single event of motion history
Gdk::VisualA Gdk::Visual describes a particular video hardware display format
Gdk::WindowA Gdk::Window is a rectangular region on the screen
Glib::Value< Glib::RefPtr< Gtk::RecentInfo > >
Gtk::AboutDialogThe AboutDialog offers a simple way to display information about a program like its logo, name, copyright, website and license
Gtk::AccelGroupA Gtk::AccelGroup represents a group of keyboard accelerators, typically attached to a toplevel Gtk::Window (with Gtk::Window::add_accel_group())
Gtk::AccelKeyDefines accelerator key combinations
Gtk::AccelLabelA label which displays an accelerator key on the right of the text
Gtk::ActionAn action which can be triggered by a menu or toolbar item
Gtk::ActivatableActivatable widgets can be connected to a Gtk::Action and reflect the state of the action
Gtk::AdjustmentA class representing an adjustable bounded value
Gtk::AlignmentA widget which controls the alignment and size of its child
Gtk::AppChooserThis interface can be implemented by widgets which allow the user to choose an application (typically for the purpose of opening a file)
Gtk::AppChooserButtonA button to launch an application chooser dialog
Gtk::AppChooserDialogAn application chooser dialog
Gtk::AppChooserWidgetAn application chooser widget that can be embedded in other widgets
Gtk::ArrowProduces an arrow pointing in one of the four cardinal directions
Gtk::AspectFrameA frame that constrains its child to a particular aspect ratio
Gtk::AssistantA widget used to guide users through multi-step operations
Gtk::BinA container with just one child
Gtk::BoxOrganizes child widgets into a rectangular area
Gtk::BuildableA base class for objects that can be built by Gtk::Builder
Gtk::BuilderBuild an interface from a UI definition description
Gtk::BuilderErrorException class for Gdk::Builder errors
Gtk::BuiltinStockIDSee the list of pre-defined stock items, in the Stock namespace
Gtk::ButtonA widget that creates a signal when clicked on
Gtk::ButtonBoxA container for arranging buttons
Gtk::CalendarDisplay a calendar and/or allow the user to select a date
Gtk::CellAreaAn abstract base class for laying out CellRenderers
Gtk::CellAreaBoxA cell area that renders CellRenderers into a row or a colum, depending on its orientation
Gtk::CellAreaContextThis stores geometrical information for a series of rows in a CellArea
Gtk::CellEditableInterface for widgets which are used for editing cells
Gtk::CellLayoutAn interface for packing cells
Gtk::CellRendererCellRenderers are used by Gtk::TreeView columns to render the Gtk::TreeModel column data appropriately
Gtk::CellRendererAccelRenders a keyboard accelerator in a cell
Gtk::CellRendererComboRenders a combobox in a cell
Gtk::CellRendererPixbufRenders a pixbuf in a cell
Gtk::CellRendererProgressRenders numbers as progress bars
Gtk::CellRendererSpinRenders a spin button in a cell
Gtk::CellRendererSpinnerRenders a spinning animation in a cell
Gtk::CellRendererTextRenders text in a cell
Gtk::CellRendererToggleRenders a toggle button in a cell
Gtk::CellViewA widget displaying a single row of a TreeModel
Gtk::CheckButtonCreate widgets with a discrete toggle button
Gtk::CheckMenuItemA menu item that maintains the state of a boolean value in addition to a Gtk::MenuItem's usual role in activating application code
Gtk::ClipboardThe Clipboard object represents a clipboard of data shared between different processes or between different widgets in the same process
Gtk::ColorButtonA button to launch a color selection dialog
Gtk::ColorSelectionA widget used to select a color
Gtk::ColorSelectionDialogThis dialog allows the user to select a color
Gtk::ComboBoxA widget used to choose from a list of items
Gtk::ComboBoxTextThis is a simple variant of ComboBox that hides the model-view complexity for simple text-only use cases
Gtk::ContainerAbstract container class
Gtk::CssProviderCSS-like styling for widgets, implementing the StyleProvider base class
Gtk::DialogCreate popup windows
Gtk::DrawingAreaA widget for custom user interface elements
Gtk::EditableBase class for text-editing widgets
Gtk::EntryA single line text entry field
Gtk::EntryBufferA Text buffer for the Entry widget
Gtk::EntryCompletionCompletion functionality for Gtk::Entry
Gtk::EventBoxEvent capturing box
Gtk::ExpanderA container which can hide its child
Gtk::FileChooserGtk::FileChooser is an interface that can be implemented by file selection widgets
Gtk::FileChooserButtonA button to launch a file chooser dialog
Gtk::FileChooserDialogConvenient file chooser window
Gtk::FileChooserErrorException class for Gdk::FileChooser errors
Gtk::FileChooserWidgetFile chooser widget that can be embedded in other widgets
Gtk::FileFilterA filter for selecting a file subset
Gtk::FixedA container which allows you to position widgets at fixed coordinates
Gtk::FontButtonA button to launch a font selection dialog
Gtk::FontChooserAn interface implemented by widgets displaying fonts
Gtk::FontChooserDialogA dialog box for selecting fonts
Gtk::FontChooserWidgetA dialog box for selecting fonts
Gtk::FontSelectionA widget for selecting fonts
Gtk::FontSelectionDialogA dialog box for selecting fonts
Gtk::FrameA Gtk::Bin with a decorative frame and optional label
Gtk::GridA container which arranges its child widgets in rows and columns
Gtk::HandleBoxA widget for detachable window portions
Gtk::HBoxHorizontal Box for laying widgets in a horizontal row
Gtk::HButtonBoxA container for arranging buttons horizontally
Gtk::HPanedThe Gtk::HPaned widget is a container widget with two children arranged horizontally
Gtk::HScaleA horizontal slider for selecting values
Gtk::HScrollbarA horizontal scrollbar
Gtk::HSeparatorHorizontal line widget
Gtk::IconSetThis manages a set of variants of a particular icon An IconSet contains variants for different sizes and widget states
Gtk::IconSizeRepresents registered icon sizes
Gtk::IconThemeErrorException class for Gdk::IconTheme errors
Gtk::IconViewThe IconView provides an alternative view of a list model
Gtk::ImageA widget displaying an image
Gtk::ImageMenuItemA menu item with an icon
Gtk::InfoBarThis widget that can be used to show messages to the user without showing a dialog
Gtk::InvisibleThis widget is used internally in GTK+, and is probably not useful for application developers
Gtk::LabelA widget that displays a small to medium amount of text
Gtk::LayoutInfinite scrollable area containing child widgets and/or custom drawing
Gtk::LinkButtonCreate buttons bound to a URL
Gtk::ListStoreThist is a list model for use with a Gtk::TreeView widget
Gtk::ListViewTextA simple listbox which presents some lines of information in columns and lets the user select some of them
Gtk::MainMain application class
Gtk::MenuA drop-down menu consisting of Gtk::MenuItem objects which can be navigated and activated by the user to perform application functions
Gtk::MenuBarA standard menu bar which usually holds Gtk::Menu submenu items
Gtk::MenuItemChild item for menus
Gtk::MenuShellThe abstract base class for Gtk::Menu and Gtk::MenuBar
Gtk::MenuToolButtonA Gtk::ToolItem containing a toggle button
Gtk::MessageDialogConvenient message window
Gtk::MiscA base class for widgets with alignments and padding
Gtk::NotebookContainer which shows one of its children at a time, in tabbed windows
Gtk::NumerableIconA Gio::Icon that allows numbered emblems
Gtk::ObjectGtk::Object is the base class for all widgets, and for a few non-widget objects such as Gtk::Adjustment
Gtk::OffscreenWindowA top-level container widget used to manage offscreen rendering of child widgets
Gtk::OrientableThis interface is implemented by all widgets that can be oriented horizontally or vertically
Gtk::PageSetupA PageSetup object stores the page size, orientation and margins
Gtk::PageSetupUnixDialogPageSetupUnixDialog implements a page setup dialog for platforms which don't provide a native page setup dialog, like Unix
Gtk::PanedA widget with two adjustable panes
Gtk::PaperSizePaperSize handles paper sizes
Gtk::PrintContextA PrintContext encapsulates context information that is required when drawing pages for printing, such as the cairo context and important parameters like page size and resolution
Gtk::PrinterA Printer object represents a printer
Gtk::PrintJobA PrintJob object represents a job that is sent to a printer
Gtk::PrintOperationPrintOperation is the high-level, portable printing API
Gtk::PrintSettingsA PrintSettings object represents the settings of a print dialog in a system-independent way
Gtk::PrintSettings::KeysPrint settings keys
Gtk::PrintUnixDialogPrintUnixDialog implements a print dialog for platforms which don't provide a native print dialog, like Unix
Gtk::ProgressBarA widget which indicates progress visually
Gtk::RadioActionAn action of which only one in a group can be active
Gtk::RadioButtonA single radio button performs the same basic function as a Gtk::CheckButton, as its position in the object hierarchy reflects
Gtk::RadioButtonGroupRadioButtonGroup identifier for RadioButtons To set up this RadioButtonGroup, construct a RadioButtonGroup and then pass it to the constructor of all radio items
Gtk::RadioMenuItemA CheckMenuItem that belongs to a group
Gtk::RadioToolButtonA toolbar item that contains a radio button
Gtk::RangeBase class for widgets which visualize an adjustment
Gtk::RecentActionAn action of which represents a list of recently used files
Gtk::RecentChooserRecentChooser is an interface that can be implemented by widgets displaying the list of recently used files
Gtk::RecentChooserDialogRecentChooserDialog is a dialog box suitable for displaying the recently used documents
Gtk::RecentChooserErrorException class for Gtk::RecentChooser errors
Gtk::RecentChooserMenuRecentChooserMenu is a widget suitable for displaying recently used files inside a menu
Gtk::RecentChooserWidgetRecentChooserWidget is a widget suitable for selecting recently used files
Gtk::RecentFilterRecentFilter can be used to restrict the files being shown in a RecentChooser
Gtk::RecentFilter::InfoA RecentFilter::Info class is used to pass information about the tested file to filter()
Gtk::RecentInfoContains information found when looking up an entry of the recently used files list
Gtk::RecentManagerRecentManager provides a facility for adding, removing and looking up recently used files
Gtk::RecentManager::DataMeta-data passed to add_item()
Gtk::RecentManagerErrorException class for Gtk::RecentManager errors
Gtk::ScaleA slider widget for selecting a value from a range
Gtk::ScaleButtonA button which pops up a scale widget
Gtk::ScrollableThis interface is implemented by widgets with native scrolling ability
Gtk::ScrollbarA Scrollbar
Gtk::ScrolledWindowAdds scrollbars to its child widget
Gtk::SeparatorA separator widget
Gtk::SeparatorMenuItemA separator used to group items within a menu
Gtk::SeparatorToolItemA toolbar item that separates groups of other toolbar items
Gtk::SettingsSharing settings between applications
Gtk::SizeGroupGtk::SizeGroup provides a mechanism for grouping a number of widgets together so they all request the same amount of space
Gtk::SocketContainer for widgets from other processes
Gtk::SpinButtonNumeric Entry with up/down buttons Slightly misnamed, this should be called a SpinEntry
Gtk::SpinnerA widget that displays a spinner animation
Gtk::StatusbarText status indicator This widget is used to display status information
Gtk::StatusIconThe "system tray" or notification area is normally used for transient icons that indicate some special state
Gtk::StockIDSee also Gtk::BuiltinStockID
Gtk::StyleContextThis object stores styling information affecting a widget defined by WidgetPath
Gtk::StyleProviderThis is a base class used to provide style information to a StyleContext
Gtk::SwitchA "light switch"-style toggle
Gtk::TablePack widgets in regular patterns
Gtk::TearoffMenuItemA special Gtk::MenuItem which is used to tear off and reattach its menu
Gtk::TextBufferMulti-line attributed text that can be displayed by one or more Gtk::TextView widgets
Gtk::TextChildAnchorA TextChildAnchor is a spot in the buffer where child widgets can be "anchored" (inserted inline, as if they were characters)
Gtk::TextIterTypefed as Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator
Gtk::TextMarkTypedefed as Gtk::TextBuffer::Mark
Gtk::TextTagTypedefed as Gtk::TextBuffer::Tag
Gtk::TextTagTableTypedefed as Gtk::TextBuffer::TagTable
Gtk::TextViewMulti-line text editing widget
Gtk::ToggleActionAn action which can be toggled between two states
Gtk::ToggleButtonA Gtk::ToggleButton will remain 'pressed-in' when clicked
Gtk::ToggleToolButtonA Gtk::ToolItem containing a toggle button
Gtk::ToolbarBars of buttons and other widgets
Gtk::ToolButtonA Gtk::ToolItem subclass that displays buttons
Gtk::ToolItemGroupA ToolItemGroup is used together with ToolPalette to add ToolItems to a palette-like container with different categories and drag and drop support
Gtk::ToolPaletteA ToolPalette allows you to add ToolItems to a palette-like container with various categories and drag and drop support
Gtk::ToolShellA base class for containers containing ToolItem widgets
Gtk::TooltipAdd tips to your widgets
Gtk::TreeIterA Gtk::TreeModel::iterator is a reference to a specific node on a specific model
Gtk::TreeModelThis class defines a generic tree interface for use by the Gtk::TreeView widget
Gtk::TreeModelColumn< T >A Gtk::TreeModelColumn describes the C++ type of the data in a model column, and identifies that column in the model
Gtk::TreeModelColumnBaseBase class of TreeModelColumn templates
Gtk::TreeModelColumnRecordTypedefed as TreeModel::ColumnRecord
Gtk::TreeModelSortA wrapper which makes an underlying Gtk::TreeModel sortable
Gtk::TreeNodeChildrenTypedefed as TreeModel::Children
Gtk::TreePathA path is essentially a potential node
Gtk::TreeRowTypedefed as TreeModel::Row
Gtk::TreeRowReferenceTypedefed as Gtk::TreeModel::RowReference
Gtk::TreeSelectionTypedefed as Gtk::TreeView::Selection
Gtk::TreeValueProxy< ColumnType >
Gtk::TreeViewDisplays the model (Gtk::TreeModel) data and allows the user to interact with it
Gtk::TreeViewColumnTypedefed as Gtk::TreeView::Column
Gtk::UIManagerConstructing menus and toolbars from an XML description
Gtk::VBoxVertical Box for laying widgets in a vertical row
Gtk::VButtonBoxA container for arranging buttons vertically
Gtk::ViewportAn adapter which makes widgets scrollable
Gtk::VolumeButtonA button which pops up a volume control
Gtk::VPanedThe Gtk::VPaned widget is a container widget with two children arranged vertically
Gtk::VScaleA vertical slider for selecting values
Gtk::VScrollbarA vertical scrollbar
Gtk::VSeparatorVertical line widget
Gtk::WidgetAbstract Widget (Base class for all widgets)
Gtk::WidgetPathThis represents a widget hierarchy from the topmost widget, typically a toplevel, to any child
Gtk::WindowToplevel Window This represents all widgets which are physical windows controlled by the window manager
Gtk::WindowGroupLimit the effect of grabs