

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

NMRemoteConnection implements GInitable and GAsyncInitable.


  "bus"                      DBusGConnection*      : Write / Construct Only
  "dbus-connection"          DBusGConnection*      : Write / Construct Only
  "dbus-path"                gchar*                : Write / Construct Only
  "unsaved"                  gboolean              : Read



enum NMRemoteConnectionError

typedef enum {
	NM_REMOTE_CONNECTION_ERROR_UNKNOWN = 0,             /*< nick=UnknownError >*/
	NM_REMOTE_CONNECTION_ERROR_DISCONNECTED,            /*< nick=Disconnected >*/
} NMRemoteConnectionError;


unknown or unclassified error


dbus disconnected


#define NM_REMOTE_CONNECTION_ERROR (nm_remote_connection_error_quark ())

nm_remote_connection_error_quark ()

GQuark              nm_remote_connection_error_quark    (void);

Registers an error quark for NMRemoteConnection if necessary.

Returns :

the error quark used for NMRemoteConnection errors.


#define NM_REMOTE_CONNECTION_UNSAVED         "unsaved"


#define NM_REMOTE_CONNECTION_UPDATED         "updated"


#define NM_REMOTE_CONNECTION_REMOVED         "removed"


typedef struct _NMRemoteConnection NMRemoteConnection;


typedef struct {
	NMConnectionClass parent_class;

	/* Signals */
	void (*updated) (NMRemoteConnection *connection,
	                 GHashTable *new_settings);

	void (*removed) (NMRemoteConnection *connection);

	/* Padding for future expansion */
	void (*_reserved1) (void);
	void (*_reserved2) (void);
	void (*_reserved3) (void);
	void (*_reserved4) (void);
	void (*_reserved5) (void);
	void (*_reserved6) (void);
} NMRemoteConnectionClass;

NMRemoteConnectionResultFunc ()

void                (*NMRemoteConnectionResultFunc)     (NMRemoteConnection *connection,
                                                         GError *error,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Called when NetworkManager has finished an asynchronous operation on a connection, like commit changes, deleting, saving, etc.

connection :

the connection for which an operation was performed

error :

on failure, a descriptive error

user_data :

user data passed to function which began the operation


typedef NMRemoteConnectionResultFunc NMRemoteConnectionCommitFunc;


typedef NMRemoteConnectionResultFunc NMRemoteConnectionDeleteFunc;

NMRemoteConnectionGetSecretsFunc ()

void                (*NMRemoteConnectionGetSecretsFunc) (NMRemoteConnection *connection,
                                                         GHashTable *secrets,
                                                         GError *error,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Called when NetworkManager returns secrets in response to a request for secrets via nm_remote_connection_get_secrets().

connection :

the connection for which secrets were requested

secrets :

on success, a hash table of hash tables, with each inner hash mapping a setting property to a GValue containing that property's value. [element-type utf8 GLib.HashTable]

error :

on failure, a descriptive error

user_data :

user data passed to nm_remote_connection_get_secrets()

nm_remote_connection_new ()

NMRemoteConnection * nm_remote_connection_new           (DBusGConnection *bus,
                                                         const char *path);

Creates a new object representing the remote connection.

bus :

a valid and connected D-Bus connection

path :

the D-Bus path of the connection as exported by the settings service

Returns :

the new remote connection object on success, or NULL on failure

nm_remote_connection_commit_changes ()

void                nm_remote_connection_commit_changes (NMRemoteConnection *connection,
                                                         NMRemoteConnectionResultFunc callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Send any local changes to the settings and properties of this connection to NetworkManager, which will immediately save them to disk.

connection :

the NMRemoteConnection

callback :

a function to be called when the commit completes. [scope async][allow-none]

user_data :

caller-specific data to be passed to callback. [closure]

nm_remote_connection_commit_changes_unsaved ()

void                nm_remote_connection_commit_changes_unsaved
                                                        (NMRemoteConnection *connection,
                                                         NMRemoteConnectionResultFunc callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Send any local changes to the settings and properties of this connection to NetworkManager. The changes are not saved to disk until either nm_remote_connection_save() or nm_remote_connection_commit_changes() is called.

connection :

the NMRemoteConnection

callback :

a function to be called when the commit completes. [scope async][allow-none]

user_data :

caller-specific data to be passed to callback. [closure]

Since 0.9.10

nm_remote_connection_save ()

void                nm_remote_connection_save           (NMRemoteConnection *connection,
                                                         NMRemoteConnectionResultFunc callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Saves the connection to disk if the connection has changes that have not yet been written to disk, or if the connection has never been saved.

connection :

the NMRemoteConnection

callback :

a function to be called when the save completes. [scope async][allow-none]

user_data :

caller-specific data to be passed to callback. [closure]

Since 0.9.10

nm_remote_connection_delete ()

void                nm_remote_connection_delete         (NMRemoteConnection *connection,
                                                         NMRemoteConnectionResultFunc callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Delete the connection.

connection :

the NMRemoteConnection

callback :

a function to be called when the delete completes. [scope async][allow-none]

user_data :

caller-specific data to be passed to callback. [closure]

nm_remote_connection_get_secrets ()

void                nm_remote_connection_get_secrets    (NMRemoteConnection *connection,
                                                         const char *setting_name,
                                                         NMRemoteConnectionGetSecretsFunc callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Request the connection's secrets.

connection :

the NMRemoteConnection

setting_name :

the NMSetting object name to get secrets for

callback :

a function to be called when the update completes; must not be NULL. [scope async]

user_data :

caller-specific data to be passed to callback. [closure]

nm_remote_connection_get_unsaved ()

gboolean            nm_remote_connection_get_unsaved    (NMRemoteConnection *connection);

connection :

the NMRemoteConnection

Returns :

TRUE if the remote connection contains changes that have not been saved to disk, FALSE if the connection is the same as its on-disk representation.

Since 0.9.10

Property Details

The "bus" property

  "bus"                      DBusGConnection*      : Write / Construct Only


The "dbus-connection" property

  "dbus-connection"          DBusGConnection*      : Write / Construct Only


The "dbus-path" property

  "dbus-path"                gchar*                : Write / Construct Only

DBus Object Path.

Default value: NULL

The "unsaved" property

  "unsaved"                  gboolean              : Read

TRUE if the remote connection contains changes that have not been saved to disk, FALSE if the connection is the same as its on-disk representation.

Default value: FALSE

Since 0.9.10

Signal Details

The "removed" signal

void                user_function                      (NMRemoteConnection *connection,
                                                        gpointer            user_data)       : Run First

This signal is emitted when a connection is either deleted or becomes invisible to the current user.

connection :

a NMConnection

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "updated" signal

void                user_function                      (NMRemoteConnection *connection,
                                                        gpointer            user_data)       : Run First

This signal is emitted when a connection changes, and it is still visible to the user.

connection :

a NMConnection

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "visible" signal

void                user_function                      (NMRemoteConnection *nmremoteconnection,
                                                        gboolean            arg1,
                                                        gpointer            user_data)               : Run First

nmremoteconnection :

the object which received the signal.

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.