


gboolean            nm_vpn_plugin_utils_read_vpn_details
                                                        (int fd,
                                                         GHashTable **out_data,
                                                         GHashTable **out_secrets);
gboolean            nm_vpn_plugin_utils_get_secret_flags
                                                        (GHashTable *data,
                                                         const char *secret_name,
                                                         NMSettingSecretFlags *out_flags);



nm_vpn_plugin_utils_read_vpn_details ()

gboolean            nm_vpn_plugin_utils_read_vpn_details
                                                        (int fd,
                                                         GHashTable **out_data,
                                                         GHashTable **out_secrets);

Parses key/value pairs from a file descriptor (normally stdin) passed by an applet when the applet calls the authentication dialog of the VPN plugin.

fd :

file descriptor to read from, usually stdin (0)

out_data :

on successful return, a hash table (mapping char*:char*) containing the key/value pairs of VPN data items. [out][transfer full]

out_secrets :

on successful return, a hash table (mapping char*:char*) containing the key/value pairsof VPN secrets. [out][transfer full]

Returns :

TRUE if reading values was successful, FALSE if not

nm_vpn_plugin_utils_get_secret_flags ()

gboolean            nm_vpn_plugin_utils_get_secret_flags
                                                        (GHashTable *data,
                                                         const char *secret_name,
                                                         NMSettingSecretFlags *out_flags);

Given a VPN secret key name, attempts to find the corresponding flags data item in data. If found, converts the flags data item to NMSettingSecretFlags and returns it.

data :

hash table containing VPN key/value pair data items

secret_name :

VPN secret key name for which to retrieve flags for

out_flags :

on success, the flags associated with secret_name. [out]

Returns :

TRUE if the flag data item was found and successfully converted to flags, FALSE if not