Using GtkApplication

GtkApplication is the base class of a GTK Application.

The philosophy of GtkApplication is that applications are interested in being told what needs to happen, when it needs to happen, in response to actions from the user. The exact mechanism by which the operating system starts applications is uninteresting.

To this end, GtkApplication exposes a set of signals (or virtual functions) that an application should respond to:

  • startup: sets up the application when it first starts

  • shutdown: performs shutdown tasks

  • activate: shows the default first window of the application (like a new document). This corresponds to the application being launched by the desktop environment.

  • open: opens files and shows them in a new window. This corresponds to someone trying to open a document (or documents) using the application from the file browser, or similar.

When your application starts, the startup signal will be fired. This gives you a chance to perform initialisation tasks that are not directly related to showing a new window. After this, depending on how the application is started, either activate or open will be called next.

GtkApplication defaults to applications being single-instance. If the user attempts to start a second instance of a single-instance application then GtkApplication will signal the first instance and you will receive additional activate or open signals. In this case, the second instance will exit immediately, without calling startup or shutdown.

All startup initialisation should be done in startup. This avoids wasting work in the second-instance case where the program just exits immediately.

The application will continue to run for as long as it needs to. This is usually for as long as there are any open windows. You can additionally force the application to stay alive using g_application_hold().

On shutdown, you receive a shutdown signal where you can do any necessary cleanup tasks (such as saving files to disk).

The main entry point for your application should only create a GtkApplication instance, set up the signal handlers, and then call g_application_run().

Primary vs. local instance

The “primary instance” of an application is the first instance of it that was run. A “remote instance” is another instance that is started that is not the primary instance. The term “local instance” is used to refer to the current process which may or may not be the primary instance.

GtkApplication only ever emits signals in the primary instance. Calls to GtkApplication API can be made in primary or remote instances (and are made from the vantage of being the “local instance”). In the case that the local instance is the primary instance, function calls on GtkApplication will result in signals being emitted locally, in the primary instance. In the case that the local instance is a remote instance, function calls result in messages being sent to the primary instance and signals being emitted there.

For example, calling g_application_activate() on the primary instance will emit the activate signal. Calling it on a remote instance will result in a message being sent to the primary instance and it will emit activate.

You rarely need to know if the local instance is primary or remote. In almost all cases, you should just call the GtkApplication method you are interested in and either have it be forwarded or handled locally, as appropriate.


An application can register a set of actions that it supports in addition to the default activate and open. Actions are added to the application with the GActionMap interface and invoked or queried with the GActionGroup interface.

As with activate and open, calling g_action_group_activate_action() on the primary instance will activate the named action in the current process. Calling g_action_group_activate_action() on a remote instance will send a message to the primary instance, causing the action to be activated there.

Dealing with the command line

Normally, GtkApplication will assume that arguments passed on the command line are files to be opened. If no arguments are passed, then it assumes that an application is being launched to show its main window or an empty document. In the case that files were given, you will receive these files (in the form of GFile) from the open signal. Otherwise you will receive an activate signal. It is recommended that new applications make use of this default handling of command line arguments.

If you want to deal with command line arguments in more advanced ways, there are several (complementary) mechanisms by which you can do this.

First, the handle-local-options signal will be emitted and the signal handler gets a dictionary with the parsed options. To make use of this, you need to register your options with g_application_add_main_option_entries(). The signal handler can return a non-negative value to end the process with this exit code, or a negative value to continue with the regular handling of commandline options. A popular use of for this signal is to implement a --version argument that works without communicating with a remote instance.

If handle-local-options is not flexible enough for your needs, you can override the local_command_line virtual function to take over the handling of command line arguments in the local instance entirely. If you do so, you will be responsible for registering the application, and for handling a --help argument (the default local_command_line function does this for you).

It is also possible to invoke actions from handle-local-options or local_command_line in response to command line arguments. For example, a mail client may choose to map the --compose command line argument to an invocation of its compose action. This is done by calling g_action_group_activate_action() from the local_command_line implementation. In the case that the command line being processed is in the primary instance then the compose action is invoked locally. In the case that it is a remote instance, the action invocation is forwarded to the primary instance.


It is possible to use action activations instead of activate or open. It is perfectly reasonable that an application could start without an activate signal ever being emitted. The activate signal is only supposed to be the default “started with no options” signal. Actions are meant to be used for anything else.

Some applications may wish to perform even more advanced handling of command lines, including controlling the life cycle of the remote instance and its exit status once it quits as well as forwarding the entire contents of the command line arguments, the environment and even forwarding standard input, output, and error streams. This can be accomplished using G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_COMMAND_LINE and the command-line signal.

Adding custom commandline options

GApplication supports parsing of additional commandline options if they are specified using g_application_add_main_option_entries(). The ideal place to call this is from the instance initialization function of your application class or, if you are not defining your own class, after g_application_new() has returned.

g_application_add_main_option_entries() takes a pointer to an array of GOptionEntry structures. When a particular commandline option is encountered, the arg_data field of the corresponding GOptionEntry is set to the result of parsing this option. If arg_data is NULL then the option will be stored in the options dictionary that is passed to the handle-local-options signal handler (or virtual function).

You can also specify additional commandline options with g_application_add_main_option() or g_application_add_option_group().

The handle-local-options handler is expected to handle the commandline options. There are a number of things that can be done from this handler:

  • handle an option locally and exit (either with success or error status); the typical example for this is a --version option

  • treat an option as a request to perform an action on the primary instance

  • treat an option as a request to open one or more files on the primary instance

  • inspect the options, find them uninteresting, and resume normal processing

The return value of the handle-local-options signal handler will determine what GApplication does next. If the return value is -1 then the default processing proceeds (see above). If a non-negative value is returned then this is taken to mean that the options have been handled locally and the process should exit (with the returned value as the exit status).


Normally, when the application is launched for the second time, the communication of the local instance and the primary instance is short and simple—usually just a request to show a new window or open some files. The local instance typically exits immediately.

G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_COMMAND_LINE allows for a more complex interaction between the two sides. If in doubt, you should not use G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_COMMAND_LINE. There are a number of situations under which its use may be necessary:

  • your application needs to print data from the primary instance to the stdout/stderr of the terminal of the remote instance

  • the primary instance of your application needs to control the duration of the remote instance

  • the primary instance of your application needs to return a particular exit status from the remote instance

  • the primary instance of your application needs access to the environment variables or file descriptors from the remote instance (such as stdin)

  • you may find it more convenient to pass pre-parsed commandline options to the primary instance in this way (although action parameters should provide a sufficiently convenient method of accomplishing the same thing with less overhead)

  • when porting your application to GApplication you find that it is easier to proceed in this way temporarily

A good example of this type of application is a text editor that might be used from the EDITOR environment variable. If invoked from git commit, the remote instance must not exit until after the user is done editing the file but it still needs to exit even if the user has opened other windows and still has them open.

If G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_COMMAND_LINE is set then after the handle-local-options handler returns then instead of interpreting the remaining commandline arguments as a list of files, the arguments are passed to the primary instance via the command-line signal. The options array, as constructed during parsing of the commandline options and possibly modified from handle-local-options, is passed along to the primary instance, where it can be accessed using g_application_command_line_get_options_dict() .

It is possible to have all processing done from the primary instance (by using GOptionContext inside of the command-line handler) but this is strongly discouraged. GOptionContext is very much designed around the assumption that it will only ever be run once, on argc and argv, and this is not well matched with the fact that command-line could be invoked multiple times. Additionally, it is more elegant to report errors in the commandline parsing directly from the local instance, without communication with the primary instance. Finally, it is better to have the options registered with the local instance is that the --help output will list them. All of that said, if you do not use g_application_add_main_option_entries() and you have set G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_COMMAND_LINE then any unknown options will be ignored and forwarded to the command-line signal on the primary instance.


While GOptionEntry allows specifying a callback function to be invoked in case an argument is found when used with GOptionContext to manually parse command line arguments, this type of option entries is not allowed when using GApplication to parse the command line arguments for an application.