File Dialogs

You can use the file selection dialog to allow the user to select a file to load its contents into their application, or to save the current contents of their application.


GTK has two types of file selection dialogs: one is the “internal” dialog, provided by the toolkit itself; and the other is a “native” dialog, which will use the platform’s own file selection dialog.

We are going to always use “native” file selection dialogs as they are also the preferred way to interact with sandboxed environments.


Native file selection dialogs are not widgets; you must manage their lifetime yourself.

Opening files

static void
on_file_open_response (GtkNativeDialog *native,
                       int response_id)
  if (response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) {
    GtkFileChooser *chooser = GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (native);
    g_autoptr (GFile) file = gtk_file_chooser_get_file (chooser);

    open_file (file);

  g_object_unref (native);

// ...

GtkFileChooserNative *native =
  gtk_file_chooser_native_new ("Open File",

g_signal_connect (native, "response",
                  G_CALLBACK (on_file_open_response),
gtk_native_dialog_show (GTK_NATIVE_DIALOG (native));

Saving files

static void
on_file_save_response (GtkNativeDialog *native,
                       int response_id)
  if (response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) {
    GtkFileChooser *chooser = GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (native);
    g_autoptr (GFile) file = gtk_file_chooser_get_file (chooser);

    save_file (file);

  g_object_unref (native);

// ...

GtkFileChooserNative *native =
  gtk_file_chooser_native_new ("Save File",

g_signal_connect (native, "response",
                  G_CALLBACK (on_file_save_response),
gtk_native_dialog_show (GTK_NATIVE_DIALOG (native));


File selection dialogs can expose additional controls to the user in the form of “choices”. A choice can either be a boolean “yes or no” option, or a set of possible values:

// Boolean choice
gtk_file_chooser_add_choice (file_chooser, "validate",
                             "Enable validation on load",
                             NULL, NULL);
// Multiple choices
gtk_file_chooser_add_choice (file_chooser, "action",
                             "Action when loading",
                             (const char *[]) {
                             (const char *[]) {

You can then use the get_choice() method in the “response” signal handler to retrieve the value of the given choice.


You can use filters to control what kind of files the dialog should display to the user. File filters can use:

  • MIME types

  • patterns matching the file name

  • suffixes for matching file extensions

Useful methods for the component

  • When saving files, you can use the set_current_name() method to suggest a file name to the user.

  • In order to select multiple files to open, you can use the set_select_multiple() method, and then call get_files() instead of get_file() to retrieve the list of all selected files as a list model.

API references

In the examples we used the following classes: