
A minimal GNOME application: a window with a title.
#include <adwaita.h>
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (MyApplication, my_application, MY, APPLICATION, AdwApplication)
struct _MyApplication {
AdwApplication parent_instance;
G_DEFINE_TYPE (MyApplication, my_application, ADW_TYPE_APPLICATION)
static void
my_application_activate (GApplication *application)
// create a Gtk Window belonging to the application itself
GtkWidget *window =
gtk_application_window_new (GTK_APPLICATION (application));
gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Welcome to GNOME");
gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (window));
static void
my_application_class_init (MyApplicationClass *klass)
G_APPLICATION_CLASS (klass)->activate = my_application_activate;
static void
my_application_init (MyApplication *self)
main (int argc,
char *argv[])
GApplication *app =
g_object_new (my_application_get_type (),
"application-id", "com.example.Application",
return g_application_run (app, argc, argv);
import gi
import sys
gi.require_version('Gtk', '4.0')
gi.require_version('Adw', '1')
from gi.repository import Adw, Gtk
class MyApplication(Adw.Application):
"""The main application."""
def do_activate(self):
# create a Gtk Window belonging to the application itself
window = Gtk.ApplicationWindow(application=self)
window.set_title("Welcome to GNOME")
# create and run the application, exit with the value returned by
# running the program
app = MyApplication()
exit_status =
class My.Application : Adw.Application {
public Application () {
Object (application_id: "com.example.Application");
protected override void activate () {
// create a Gtk Window belonging to the application itself
var window = new Gtk.ApplicationWindow (this) {
title = "Welcome to GNOME"
window.present ();
* create and run the application, exit with the value returned by
* running the program
public static int main (string[] args) {
var app = new My.Application ();
return (args);
import Gtk from "gi://Gtk?version=4.0";
import Adw from "gi://Adw?version=1";
import system from "system";
const application = new Adw.Application({
application_id: "com.example.Application",
application.connect("activate", () => {
// create a Gtk Window belonging to the application itself
const window = new Gtk.ApplicationWindow({
title: "Welcome to GNOME",
* Run the application, exit with the value returned by
* running the program
const exit_code =[system.programInvocationName, ...ARGV]);
Useful methods for a Window widget¶
sets the content of the application windowset_default_size(200, 100)
sets the default size of the window to a width of 200 and a height of 100; if instead of a positive number we pass -1 we have the default size.
API References¶
In this sample we used the following: