In order to create menus in GTK, you
have to describe the menu structure using the GMenu
API; each menu item is
bound to a GAction.
It is possible to construct a menu model manually, using the GMenu APIs directly. This is a somewhat painful:
GMenu *menu = g_menu_new ();
// The "Evocations" section
GMenu *section = g_menu_new ();
// g_menu_append() creates a menu item for you
g_menu_append (section, "Magic Missile", "app.magicmissile");
g_menu_append_section (menu, "Evocations", section);
g_object_unref (section);
// The "Cantrips" section
section = g_menu_new ();
// An explicit menu item
GMenuItem *item = g_menu_item_new ("Fire Bolt", "app.firebolt");
// "cantrips_icon" is a GIcon and is defined elsewhere
g_menu_item_set_icon (item, cantrips_icon);
g_menu_append_item (section, item);
g_menu_append_section (menu, "Cantrips", section);
g_object_unref (section);
menu = Gio.Menu()
# The "Evocations" section
section = Gio.Menu()
# Gio.Menu.append() creates a menu item for you
section.append("Magic Missile", "app.magicmissile")
menu.append_section("Evocations", section)
# The "Cantrips" section
section = Gio.Menu()
# An explicit menu item
item = Gio.MenuItem()
item.set_label("Fire Bolt")
# "cantrips_icon" is a Gio.Icon and is defined elsewhere
menu.append_section("Cantrips", section)
const menu = new Gio.Menu();
// The "Evocations" section
let section = new Gio.Menu();
// Gio.Menu.append() creates a menu item for you
section.append("Magic Missile", "app.magicmissile");
menu.append_section("Evocations", section);
// The "Cantrips" section
section = new Gio.Menu();
// An explicit menu item
const item = new Gio.MenuItem();
item.set_label("Fire Bolt");
// "cantrips_icon" is a Gio.Icon and is defined elsewhere
menu.append_section("Cantrips", section);
var menu = new Menu ();
// The "Evocations" section
var section = new Menu ();
section.append ("Magic Missile", "app.magicmissile");
menu.append_section ("Evocations", section);
// The "Cantrips" section
section = new Menu ();
// an explicit menu item
var item = new MenuItem () {
label = "Fire Bolt",
detailed_action = "app.firebolt"
// "cantrips_icon" is a GLib.Icon and is defined elsewhere
item.set_icon (cantrips_icon)
menu.append_section ("Cantrips", section);
Alternatively, you can use a UI definition:
<menu id="menu">
<attribute name="label" translatable="yes">Magic Missile</attribute>
<attribute name="action">app.magicmissile</attribute>
<attribute name="label" translatable="yes">Cantrips</attribute>
<attribute name="label" translatable="yes">Fire Bolt</attribute>
<attribute name="action">app.firebolt</attribute>
<attribute name="icon">/usr/share/my-app/cantrips.png</attribute>
Load it with GtkBuilder
and retrieve it as GMenuModel
GtkBuilder *builder =
gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/my/favourite/spells/menu.ui");
GMenuModel *menu =
G_MENU_MODEL (gtk_builder_get_object ("menu");
builder = Gtk.Builder.new_from_resource("/my/favourite/spells/menu.ui")
menu = builder.get_object("menu")
const builder = Gtk.Builder.new_from_resource("/my/favourite/spells/menu.ui");
const menu = builder.get_object("menu");
var builder = new Gtk.Builder.from_resource ("/my/favourite/spells/menu.ui");
Menu menu = builder.get_object ("menu");
Primary menus¶
A common pattern in modern user interfaces is to place a button, often with a gears icon, in some prominent place (top-right), which will open a menu when clicked. GTK comes with the GtkMenuButton for this use case:
GtkBuilder *builder =
gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/my/favourite/spells/menu.ui");
GMenu *menu =
G_MENU_MODEL (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "menu"));
// "menu_button" is defined elsewhere
gtk_menu_button_set_menu_model (GTK_MENU_BUTTON (menu_button), menu);
gtk_menu_button_set_primary (GTK_MENU_BUTTON (menu_button), TRUE);
g_object_unref (builder);
builder = Gtk.Builder.new_from_resource("/my/favourite/spells/menu.ui")
menu = builder.get_object("menu")
# "menu_button" is defined elsewhere
const builder = Gtk.Builder.new_from_resource("/my/favourite/spells/menu.ui");
const menu = builder.get_object("menu");
// "menu_button" is defined elsewhere
var builder = new Gtk.Builder.from_resource ("/my/favourite/spells/menu.ui");
Menu menu = builder.get_object ("menu");
// "menu_button" is defined elsewhere
menu_button.menu_model = menu;
menu_button.primary = true;
Menu bars¶
While uncommon in GNOME applications, it is still possible to create menu bars by using GtkPopoverMenuBar.
Context menus¶
It is possible to create a ‘freestanding’ menu from a menu model, using
. This menu can then be used as a context
menu on any widget. The actions you refer to in such a menu can come from the
application or window scopes. You can also introduce a more localized scope,
using gtk_widget_insert_action_group()
. The actions from such a local scope
can be used in any menu that is attached below this local scope.
In order to add an icon to a menu item, you must specify the icon
on the items in your menu model; when the menu is constructed, the icon will be
properly placed in the UI. The expected value for this attribute is a serialized
GIcon. Luckily, the GIcon serialization format is convenient for this use—for
<attribute name="icon">/path/to/my/icon.png</attribute>
is a valid serialization for a GFileIcon for the file at the given path, and:
<attribute name="icon">preferences-desktop-locale-symbolic</attribute>
is a valid serialization for a GThemedIcon
for the preferences-desktop-locale-symbolic
symbolic icon.